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Describe the layers of the skin and the function of each layer. Which specific function of the skin benefits the skeletal system?

 Describe the layers of the skin and the function of each layer. Which specific function of the skin benefits the skeletal system?

            The skin has various functions, for instance providing the human body against microbes as well as other elements regulating body temperatures, and permitting the feeling of cold, touch, and heat. The epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissues are its main layers. The main functions of the epidermis entail providing a waterproof barrier, protecting it from ultraviolet radiations, pathogens, detrimental chemicals, and creating the tone of our skin (Hurst, 2010).

            The main functions of the dermis layer entail regulating sweat production and body temperature, the growth of hair, oil production, maintaining the structure of the skin, as well as protecting the rest of the body.  The primary functions of the hypodermis or the subcutaneous tissues involve stabilizing body temperature, acting as the passageway for blood vessel and nerves. The wrapping of the skin around the human skeletal system have been regarded as being the main function that aid in protecting the skeletal system (MacDonald, 2009).

Why are melanin and keratin important?

            According to medical research, the melanin pigment of the skin is the one that gives the skin its color. Keratin also assists in producing nails and hair (Hurst, 2010). 

Why is it important to know the names of bones, their location, and their surface features?

            Bones are biologically regarded as being one of the firm structures in the human body that is mainly made up of phosphorous and calcium salts. In association with cartilage, the bones have the ability of forming the human skeletal structure. Since the human body has 206 skeletal bones with various functions, it is important to ensure that the client has understood the significance of each. For example, the main functions of the sternum involve protecting the lungs, the heart, and blood vessels. Also, the primary functions of femur entail permitting motion of the leg as well as supporting the entire weight of the body (Caroline, 2017).

How could you incorporate this information to educate and potentially improve the health of a female client in your care?

            In order to successfully incorporate this information to the client it is important to let her understand how the skeletal system, ligaments, cartilages, other connective tissues work together in supporting the entire weight of the body.  Other than maintaining the body position as well as producing precise and controlled movements, it is also important to let her understand that without protecting bones from damages, and maintaining its health, it will be impossible for us to run, walk, stand, or sit (MacDonald, 2009).












Caroline, A. (2017). Your Skeletal System: Searchlight Books TM — How Does Your Body Work? Lerner Publications

Hurst, J. (2010). Anatomy & Physiology in a Flash!: An Interactive, Flash-Card Approach. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

MacDonald, M. (2009). Your body: The missing manual. Sebastopol, Calif: O'Reilly.



483 Words  1 Pages
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