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Victorialist artist and impressionism

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

5 pages, typed, stapled, MLA Style, double-spaced, including all 
sources (at least 6) properly cited throughout the paper and in the 
bibliography. Format all papers with a one-inch margin all around, 
and 12-point type. Include your name.

For the topic of this paper: you may do a formal and contextual 
analysis of one photograph, compare and contrast two different 
photographs, execute a critical review of a photography 
exhibition, or delve into a issue in photography.

Compare and contrast Victorialist artist and impressionism.
Explain the ways Victorialist artist were influenced by impressionism, describe a image of a Victorialist artist, how that image influenced the image of and impressionism image. Name the artist of the Victoialist artist and the impressionism artist, show the two images used.

135 Words  1 Pages
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