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Social commentary and art

                                                 Social commentary and art 

            According to the Alejandro Gonzalez, it implies that it main objective of the modern artistic world entail understanding some of the human visual gestures that have the ability of improving the whole process. The reason for that is because photography as been perceived as being one of the mean that has the ability of undergoing extraordinary changes as far as their industry is concerned. Consequently, this means that the modern artistic world has been regarded as being the main platform that has the potential of reflecting the mentality of the elite individuals.

             Within the social artistic work, the ideal reason that Alejandro Gonzalez considers to be imperative is the expression the ability of expressing their ideas. The reason for that is because the wonderful legally societal works that is left behind by such individuals will ultimately have to take into account the wonderful legacy that was initially established by others.  Regardless of that, it is important for them to understand that the cultural base of slavery is the one that had the ability of structuring the some evolution.

            As far as art is concerned, it implies that social commentary have not yet has the potential of losing its meaning with the passage of time. The reason for that is because it should be realized that the dazzling beauty regarding the earliest sculpture is the one that has the potential of signifying the impacts that it has to the modern society. Other than inspiring them, it is obvious that that is the same route that enables people to understand the ethnicity of people.

            Nonetheless, Alejandro Gonzalez continues to educate us that some of the societal art qualities that have been noted to lose its credibility today are mainly based on the existing modern propaganda.  The reason for that is because any masterpiece should not have to take into account the need of using gigantic efforts embracing his or her work. From the artistic point of view, it is evident that the classical artistic work art cannot be perceived as being a testimony of knowledge.  The reason for that is because it is an individual emotion that has the ability of directing the whole course. 

                                                What is American Art?

                        According to Alanzo Arzatel, an American art is currently regarded as being the amalgamation of its historical grounds of its people as well as the tales that revolves around them. The reason for that is because it is the same ideology that has the enables them to establish the newest means of creating their artistic work. This is true because according to the American art, it is clear that the contemporary American art work mainly relies on the works that could have been established within such a period. The reason for that is because it is the one that has the ability of capturing as well as capturing some of the philosophical that have been utilized in the in this period.  Ideally, it is evident that such information has been extensively utilized in various religious occasions for the purpose of ensuring that they all have the potential of enabling community members its essence.

            Nevertheless, the abstraction, in this context, is perceived to be some of the things that they are easily to be understood at the end of the day.  On the other hand, it has been realized that it is important for various American artists to know and acknowledges the means to be used in enhancing their artistic means.   The reason for that is because there is the essence of understanding the some of the changing perspectives   as well as the some of the contemporary information used in the modern artistic world. In so doing, it implies that it is possible for the American artists to recognize some of the modern changing definitions and perceptions concerning the art history.

            As an artist, Alanzo Arzatel indicates that it is important to take into consideration the importance of understanding some of the relationship that exists between visual and art culture. Conversely, it is important for them to be in the position of understanding some of the existing world dimensions regarding the modern artistic world as well as the manner in which it has been altered as the time goes by. This is to imply that it crucial for the community to have the potential of understanding the role played by artistic institutions, as well as the wider historical institutions in shaping art. Conversely, these views can be rejected because the nature of their work is mainly based on their ethnicity and what they always experience at the end of the day. This implies that the American artistic culture is one of the avenues that have had the potential of improving the wellbeing of their society. 

795 Words  2 Pages
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