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Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci

Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci

Mona Lisa remains to be unquestionably the most popular masterpiece historically and today. There are a number of factors that contribute to the wide acknowledgment of the period. Through Mona Lisa, Leonardo explored the human ideal illusion in the creation of a unique piece that holds a smile from a perspective through the use of shadow painting (Zolfagharifard, 2015). Leonardo painted the art in a manner that Mona Lisa’s eyes are central to the viewer’s attention while the mouth is peripheral. Mona Lisa has created such a reputation for being the most debated and famous art. Mona Lisa is a representation of unique and innovative painting techniques through which Leonardo redefined the contemporary art practices.

It is the unique features of the Mona Lisa painting such as the smile, landscape, and glamour that intrigues every individual. I believe that Leonardo decided on keeping the piece all his life based on the expression and the skills that the pain demonstrated. To begin with, the piece redefined what was considered standard in the art world by creating a unique and highly appealing piece. The facial expression of Mona Lisa offers a mysterious appearance as it leaves some viewers trying to figure out who she actually was and why she appears sad and happy to others (Tovrov, 2011). The glamour of this art shows that Leonardo was not only a painter but an inventor and the controversy that the pain revealed remains to be a major attraction point for most individuals (Rome, 2010). Leonardo utilized some classic techniques that created such a popular art but also sought to explore the human illusion from different perspectives.





Rome, N.P. (2010). Mona Lisa painting 'contains hidden code’. The Telegraph. Retrieved from

Tovrov, D. (2011). Why is the Mona Lisa so Famous? Retrieved from

Zolfagharifard, E. (2015). Mystery of Mona Lisa’s Smile. Retrieved from


328 Words  1 Pages
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