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As I went to the museum that was small in size I was required to give my identity card in order to access it. The artistic work in the museum was incredible. However, I did not like most of them and I settled for the street scene picture in Paris by Michael Delacroix. This painting made me laugh. The painting is colorful with different a number of people appearing in the painting suggesting the busyness of the street (Delacroix 1). At a glance, it is easy to spot out that ye painting had used soft colors. The squares used in the painting portray a calm city. The painting represents a metropolis city as there is a restaurant by the sidewalk. Children are seen to be to have a cool time as the walk holding their balloons. Despite the many activities being carried out, people are calmly going about their activities such as the woman pushing her wheelbarrow (Delacroix 1).

It is a clean city. A man is can be spotted cleaning the wall from the window and a man sweeping the street. The pet represents the friendliness of the street which can also be supported by the soft colors. It appears to be white in color further indicating the cleanliness (Delacroix 1). The town is lively as there has been a movement of people and many business shops are opened portraying it as a business hub. The closed windows are a sign that people are out and about performing other duties. The open windows show that there are people inside the building (Delacroix 1). The presence of the bulb shows lighting during the night further enhancing the nightlife of the street.




Work Cited

Delacroix Michael. Original Art Print Moulin De Paris (2011). Retrieved from

300 Words  1 Pages
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