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On first glance the eyes settles on the clear visual image of the crying child in despair and you can notice how the other crews are being concerned by the look of panic in their eyes. The backgrounds pose no notion of anything close to calm but they are indeed in unity working together (Davis, 7). The visual is natural and simplistic in convincing manner that crisis might have occurred and the picture perhaps represents a rescue team. Looking at the color and the environment at which the picture is located, it is clearly to say that people are fleeing. They are escaping conflicts zone and properly hoping to catch a glimpse of harmony in their next stop, the situation seemingly paints picture of a crisis which looks pretty bad hence opting to flee away. The picture also reveals that their home has been devastated and they have lost their properties. This is because they have not carried their clothes and their other materials; it is like something has happened all of a sudden and had had no time to get themselves prepared. I argue that the picture portrays vivid image of warfare and how refugees are struggling to save their lives. It does not look anything close to being personal as the picture was captured randomly and no comfort at whatsoever. The commotion depicted is very ambiguous and it cannot fail to expose the feelings and connection of what is happening (Davis, 37). The variety of colors show sobriety drawing the much needed tension further there is much contents of visual information.

Suddenly, the extension of the water going beyond human eye gives an inclination of a possibility of sea. The picture taken is much likened to convey to the audience about a problem which needs attention (Davis, 24). The child who is wailing on close monitoring is in front of the photo means he could be the main objective taking this visual image. The texture and mode is not relaxed considering the backgrounds events happening. And, coincidently grabbing the attention from the public and for sure without even thinking a lot something is amiss should the initial notion. The clear depiction of the crying child has effects focusing on viewers’ attention on him as the subject matter. The dimension of the image having diversity and the texture clearly comes alive has life is involved in this scene, the brighter and dark inclination in the visual captures much of normalcy as the depth of the light clearly implies. Notably, visual image is in color even though it is somehow vivid and you can tell that it was captured outdoor since there is not much perfection of the skin tone (Davis, 32). The creator of these visual shows a lot of professionalism in him by looking at how the picture is well articulated framed and composed hence sending a clear description of what needs to be seen. It carries along with emotional appeal when you pay close attention to the size of images given to the characters in photo, the child in life jacket is big in size giving an indication how significant the is to the targets audience. Again, the scale given to him by the author is large and more focused compared to the other characters that are far much distanced.







Davis, Harold. Creative Composition: Digital Photography Tips and Techniques. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley, 2013.

570 Words  2 Pages
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