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Renaissance and Baroque Art


            Giotto’s biography is mostly based on controversy. He is said either to be born on hilltop farmhouse, either at Romignano or Colle di Romagnano in around 1266. He was a son to a man known as Bondone. It is also said that Giotto might have died at the age of 70 years. Giotto grew up as a shepherd and an intelligent child liked by whoever knew him. As a shepherd, he used to draw pictures of sheep on the rock and this was how he was discovered by one of the greatest painters in that period. This marked the start of his journey as a painter.

            Giotto is an artist in the renaissance period and his contribution is highly recognized. He introduced byzantine style of art and this improved a great art of painting. He also introduced a technique of accurate drawing which had been ignored for so many years (chapter 17, 280). One of his greatest works is Scrovegni Chapel decoration in Padua. It describes the life of Christ. It is one of the great master pieces of the early renaissance. Giotto is one of the most important artists in the renaissance period and he is actually known as the father of renaissance (chapter 17, 280). This is because, he is known as the first artist to paint realistic figures and his representations were expanded upon by other successive artists. I chose this particular artist because his story is so inspiring for instance he was just discovered while drawing images of the sheep on a rock but later on he became a famous artist who introduced many new styles of art and many contributions in the Italian renaissance period of art.

Work cited

Chapter 17, renaissance and baroque Europe.  

295 Words  1 Pages
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