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University of Houston

University of Houston

Joining University of Houston-College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics provides a rich and favorable learning environment where I can pursue my higher education program that will develop my career objective. Attaining my career objective will provide motivation for me to continue with my learning and growing intellectually in my entire life. Through the high quality learning and creativity of the involved faculty and the various academic programs, this college will equip me with the skills to practice the knowledge acquired in productive use which will benefit the society. The graduate programs allow m to concentrate on my major in order to have in me a disciplined and intelligent scientist with a dedication of discovering scientific possibilities and new truths. The world-class research programs ensure that there is collaboration culture and this offers an environment where my desire to develop and utilize new knowledge.

After graduation, I want to be an accomplished scientist in my major such that I can join a vivacious community of educators and researchers working to bring about significant discoveries in the society. The research skills and knowledge acquired at the University will make me be a part of professional teams that are focused in providing solutions to the many problems that are being experienced in the entire globe. In addition, through various research and experimentation, I plan to use the knowledge I acquire to interpret and apply the principles of the previous achievements.  It will involve recognizing the importance of the past and any future discoveries.

253 Words  1 Pages
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