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FlyAway Airways

FlyAway Airways


The two approaches are similar and different in various ways. First, both methods are similar because they have comparable pertinent elements which consumers consider when finding quality services. When selecting quality services, customers tend to concentrate on elements such as food, pleasant employees, safety and on-time performance (Zikmund & Babin, 2007). This means that the approaches go hand in hand and quality services cannot be achieved when one approach is not successful. Thus, all approaches must be effective in satisfying customers’ needs. Both methods are fundamental and can allow the FlyAway Airways to compare the domestic performance with airline industry.  However, the approaches differ in measuring quality services where a consumer survey approach (subjective aspects) has direct elements concerning quality services to consumer. In this approach, subjective surveys concentrate much on consumer opinion and airline industry chooses a non-comparable method for monitoring the quality. Unlike subjective survey which uses consumer opinion, a weighted average in quality rating uses reports based on airline performance (Zikmund & Babin, 2007). The results help the industry to create comparable elements with other airlines.  A weighted average approach (objective aspects) focuses on published performance data which has to do with consumer complaints, financial performance, safety and more. In addition, this approaches focuses on inventory items and measures the weight of each item   in terms of both positive and negative aspects.  There are various factors such as customer service, on-time performance, flight problems, load factors and more. A weighted approach method weights the factors which will lead to AQR (Zikmund & Babin, 2007).


Before offering recommendation on course of action which the FlyAway Airways will take, Shocker should consider positive and negative aspects in both approaches. In a consumer survey approach, Shocker should consider higher level of satisfaction after implementing subjective aspects (Bowen et al, 2013). Consumers will be motivated to have a positive perception after   being provided with high quality services. This means that there will be a connection between expectation and satisfaction.  Due to high positive consumer expectation, dissatisfaction may not occur.  It is also important to consider the customer loyalty. This measures customer satisfaction in that positive actual behavior will create returning customers. Other positive aspect to consider is employee happiness. Highly level of customer satisfaction will be achieved as a result of  showing happiness to employee and so it is important to allow the employees feel appreciated  and  hold a positive effect of the industry (Bowen et al, 2013).  In negative aspects, Shocker should consider the demographic factors. Customers have different preferences and so the company should forecast the demand for future generation in order to maintain the competitive edge.  In a weighted average approach, Shocker should consider the importance of obtaining objective information based on service performance. However, there are negative aspects to consider such as customer interest (Bowen et al, 2013). It is important to understand that customers are interested in subjective opinion in regard to quality services.


In both approaches, there are specific aspects of services which are addressed well and   others are poorly addressed. For example in consumer survey approach, the route structure is well addressed (Zikmund & Babin, 2007). According to the percentage of people who responded to airline quality, 46percent had a positive perception. This means that   in monitoring quality services, Shocker should recommend the company to focus on route structure.  Food, as an aspect of quality is poorly addressed in that people who responded to this were only 12 percent. This means that FlyAway airways should overlook this aspect and concentrate on other aspect which makes the business remain competitive. In a weighted average approach, on-time performance was well addressed (Zikmund & Babin, 2007).  This shows that on-time performance has a positive impact on customers. In monitoring quality services, FlyAway airways should focus on providing on-time performance in order to avoid wastage of valuable resources, reduce economic cost and maintain high competition. However, the approach which is poorly addressed is the average seat-mile cost. Therefore, this should not be an option but rather the industry should try to maintain on-time performance (Zikmund & Babin, 2007).



In measuring quality, the two approaches should demonstrate validity.  In this case, a consumed survey approach should use content validity. Initially, a consumer survey to measure different criteria was used and individual offered their response (Zikmund & Babin, 2007). In this case, content validity involves both alignment and subject area in order to achieve the performance domain. On the same note, face validity which is a type of content validity may be used. This is effective since it will measure reasonable tests and recognize valuable contributions. There is another option which is curricular validity which should be used in measuring quality. In creating high-stake decisions, the content of a test will be used to meet the objectives (Zikmund & Babin, 2007). In a weighted average approach, a criterion-Related Validity should be used. This is because, the quality of services is judged through evaluating a data from published sources. In other words, this type of validity will focus on behavior interest thereby predict future performance. Under criterion-related validity, it is easier to predict something such an evidence for validity. Concurrent validity will also help in differencing two groups in order to create empowerment (Zikmund & Babin, 2007).



Between the two methods, Shocker should recommend a weighted average approach (objective approach). This approach is wide and has to do with important things which customers consider or value. Many customers consider price and this play an important role in creating customer satisfaction.  The point is that FlyAway airways should meet customers’ expectations and provide favorable cost in order to avoid customer dissatisfaction (Bowen et al, 2013). Other point is that customers are interested with safety and comfort. Shocker should recommend the industry to consider this approach and in this case evaluate the physical evidence. The industry should strive to provide the best services which will meet the expectations and create customer satisfaction. In this case, the industry should have a block time development in order to run smooth operations (Bowen et al, 2013). Due to competition in air transportation services, block time schedule for summer and winter season will lead to greater accuracy and effective operations.  To ensure on-time performance, the industry should focus on operations control which will help in operating and coordinating airlines with other department thereby maximizing long-term benefits.  The point is that customer need quality services based on flight schedule options, reservation, seat comfort, baggage handling among many (Bowen et al, 2013). Since FlyAway has a route structure, the important thing is to use the weighted average approach to determine the need of customers rather than food, pleasant employees and other issues. The importance of this approach is that the industry will be in a position to understand the customers and the nature of quality services. Due to rapid growth of airline industry, quality services will help the FlyAway find and maintain a competitive position (Bowen et al, 2013).






Zikmund, W. G., & Babin, B. J. (2007). Exploring marketing research. Mason, Ohio: Thomson




Bowen E. Erin, Bowen D. Brent & Headley E. Dean (2013). Development of a Model of Airline


Consumer Satisfaction. AviationTechnology Faculty and Staff Publications.

1207 Words  4 Pages
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