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Choose two different time periods and/or, two different locations, and/or two different artists. You should compare how the theme is portrayed in the artistic pieces. For example, you might discuss family in Italy in the 1500s and family in China in the

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Complete a paper of approximately 1,000  words that addresses the following components: 
◦Choose two different time periods and/or, two different locations, and/or two different artists.  You should compare how the theme is portrayed in the artistic pieces.  For example, you might discuss family in Italy in the 1500s and family in China in the modern era.  This is a compare/contrast paper. Spend equal time on each of the artworks chosen, explaining how each is an exemplary piece of work from its time and place and of its theme.
◦Analyze each piece of artwork closely, paying attention to the genre, artist, and individual elements of the piece.
◦Provide evidence (similar to performing a “close reading” of a literary text) to support your argument about how each artwork reflects its theme and historic context

141 Words  1 Pages
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