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Color Assignment

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Paper Instructions:

Create a new 8.5 x 11 inch portrait page in InDesign and divide it into four equal sized boxes. See example here.

Using three examples from the Typography assignment (University, Educational Center, Spa) and a fourth original example, you will create 3-color palettes. You are encouraged to use the color scheme-web resource (under Color Resources). Your color palettes must include a dominant or primary color, a secondary color and an accent color (not to be confused with the color categories: primary, secondary, tertiary). Consider how your selections reflect the example and appeal to their target audience.

For each example, you must write within a text box over your palette:

The names of the colors selected, explaining why they are appropriate for the given example;
The relationships between the colors (monochromatic, complementary, analogous, etc.);
The most notable properties of the colors selected (hue, saturation, luminance, shade and/or tint).

160 Words  1 Pages
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