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Identify major works of Western and Non-Western art from the Neo-Lithic to the Post-Modern periods

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a 2 page description, formal analysis, and interpretation of one work of art from
-You are writing in an informal manner and are discussing/describing the object to us.
Include in your paper an additional one paragraph description of the museum you visited. Write information that could only be obtained by an actual visit, not something you could find on the museum website.
-Rubric attached.

Course Objective(s):

CO-1: Identify major works of Western and Non-Western art from the Neo-Lithic to the Post-Modern periods.
CO-2: Identify major artists and their time periods in Western and Non-Western art.
CO-3: Interpret art terminology in relationship to works of art.
CO-4: Describe major works of art.
CO-5: Compare and contrast works of art.
CO-6: Analyze works of art within their social and historical contexts

144 Words  1 Pages
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