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1. The Bad at the Beautiful 2. State and Main 3. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 4. My Week with Marilyn

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Discuss at least TWO of the following films:
1. The Bad at the Beautiful
2. State and Main
3. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
4. My Week with Marilyn

Answer the following questions in your own opinion and words. Aside from, perhaps, the jargon, there is no research required. This is simply your own reflection.
1. How does 'mise-en abyme' manifest itself in the films you have selected, in relation to the structure of the films (stories within stories) and also in the way in which the characters are represented (as endless reflections of reality - like a hall of mirrors)

2. And how does that then relate to the films' representation of the actor-characters, and of Hollywood genres of film production?

129 Words  1 Pages
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