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How did hip-hop change popular music?

  • How did hip-hop change popular music?
  •         Hip-hop emerged because of expand in the cultural mainstream (Reiter & Mitchell 151). The rise of new generation of young people contributed much in the development of hip-hop. Emergence of hip-hop music also played a role in changing popular music. Hip-hop music changed popular music because of the potential coverage it has to a number of a diverse population. The number of hip-hop funs has increased from the year 1970 to date. For example, in 1998 artists sold more than 81,000 million copies. This figure was more than any other genre of music sold in America (Reiter & Mitchell 158). The change in cultural values is the main contribution to the change in popular music.
  •             Most young people refer popular music as outdated and music that belongs to the older generation (Reiter & Mitchell 153). Hi-hop music was able to go beyond ethnic boundaries, as opposed to popular music (Woldu 23). Although the origin of hip-hop is in black America, it is clear that many white Americans buy the albums. More than 70% of white Americans buy the albums of hip-hop (Reiter & Mitchell 157). In addition, the music industry helped in developing the genre of hip-hop that affected popular music. This is because there have been more profits earned from hip-hop compared to the genre of popular music that has continued to diminish (Reiter & Mitchell 155).
  •             The message that artists delivered through hip-hop music was capturing the attention of the audience as compared to popular music. Street boys were the one who established this genre (Reiter & Mitchell 157). Factors like the way of clothing contributed to people realizing about this culture. The hip-hop fashion of dressing managed to influence young people unlike the popular fashion that was unable to pass to the new generation (Woldu 10). The language used by the hip-hop artists managed to capture the attention of many young people because of the introduction of the slang method of communication. Another factor that contributed to change of popular music to hip-hop is the crossover appeal (Reiter & Mitchell 159). The resistance that came by the emergence of hip-hop music made more people asking for it hence increases in the popularity of hip-hop music.
  • What led to the development of jazz?
  •             African American communities who were living in the south of United States came up with jazz music style (Fleming 21). Jazz music developed due to interaction between the African and European traditions (Fleming 21). In addition, slave trade that occurred in the early 19th century led to a high number of Africans entering America. A rhythm that had a concept of African speech contributed in the making of blue notes, in jazz music. This led to an increase of black musicians who learned how to play jazz (Fleming 21).
  •             Various types of music were a source of the jazz genre. New Orleans is an example of the music that contributed in the bringing of jazz (Fleming 25). Another factor that influenced the birth of Jazz is the hard bob genre that lifted the percentage of acknowledgement to this music. The genre brought about the current post-bop jazz. Many hard bob musicians engaged in using some strain of music from blues and R&B, which later led to the establishment of soul jazz. Musicians played jazz music while using a piano (Fleming 28). Before the introduction of radio as a mode of communication, jazz musicians played piano which attracted the attention of many people hence contributed to its development. Dedicated musicians made sure that jazz music reached every part of the world in a huge impact. Movements like M-Base made the principal contribution in the jazz music (Fleming 29).
  • Works cited
  • Fleming, May. “Early Musical Developmentof Selected African American Jazz Musicians in        Indianapolis    in the 1930s And 1940s”. Journal of Historical Research in Music       Education. 27.1 (2005): 21-32. Print.
  • Reiter, Bernd & Mitchell, Gladys. “Embracing Hip Hop as Their Own: Hip Hop and Black           Racial Identity in Brazil”. Studies in Latin American Popular Culture. 27 (2008): 151-            165.
  • Woldu Hilson. “The Kaleidoscope of Writing on Hip-Hop Culture”. Notes. 67.1 (2010): 9-38.
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  • I am through with the music essay and the purpose of the essay was to find out how hip-hop changed popular music and what led jazz to progress. In the essay, I tried to explain what brought up to the two questions. The interesting part of the paper was to explain what led to the change of popular music and the advance of jazz. The difficult part of this paper was to find how the old generation adopted to the new culture. However, the new generation has a great impact in changing ethical values of a society. The paper brings out the reasons that made hip-hop to capture the interests of many people. Moreover, if I was to revise, I would emphasis more on the reasons that made jazz to advance. I would like the instructor to correct any grammar mistakes that may appear in my paper. The sources that I have used give the information needed for this paper. I have followed the correct MLA format. In addition, I have saved the paper using my last name and the title of the assignment. To conclude, I have not used second person while writing the paper.          
889 Words  3 Pages
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