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Babies Behind Bars

Babies Behind Bars

            This is a film that discusses pregnancies and births in prisons. It gives details of what pregnant women in prison go through. This film focused on one prison in Indianapolis and what pregnant inmates were undergoing in the course of pregnancy. Due to an increase in pregnancy cases for inmate women, this film focuses on how to work out in order to find ways of helping inmates deliver their babies in prison. This prison consists of about 60 born babies every year and around 40 pregnant women at a time. A pregnant woman in prison is not treated far different from other inmates; however, they are given pre-natal care that a pregnant woman needs.  Pregnant women just like other women live in the same conditions (Swollen bellies, 2014).

            When these women have delivered their babies, they are stripped from their newborn babies after 24 hours of birth. Many at times the baby can be given to the father or any member of the family who might be willing to take care of the baby. If there is no one to take care of the baby, then the baby is taken from the mother and this destroys the formation of bond between the mother and the baby. This is the reason why the Indiana women’s prison decided to institute a program to help women and their children in such a condition. The film focuses on six different inmates at Indiana prison giving the story of how they got into there and how they are fixing to ensure that they are able to live a better life including the future welfare of their babies even by the time they would have left the prison (Swollen bellies, 2014).


Swollen bellies, (2014). Babies Behind Bars.

298 Words  1 Pages
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