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Staff and the faculty have a great contribution to the student’s lives at the colleges. The film has been equally shared in colleges, at conferences, community, and film festive as well. Community college students find themselves in a situation of financial difficulties, family issues, this happens whilst they are pursuing for better living through higher education (Vargas, 1). These are students who have passed through a lot in their lives and in one way or another success shines on their way. The five community college students by having the heart to share it have earned then the understanding that the only way better just by how the stories end up has the sole dependence on how the story began (Vargas, 1). Triumphs and struggles come with lessons and because of them, there would be no greater odds. Consequently, by the focusing on the mission of access and the conquest of colleges in communities of Southern Nevada have benefited a lot and they are sharing the same for the greater good. By sharing experiences, topical discussions and exploring strategies which would be used to overcome challenges.

Each of the stories is unique and we all know that the number of college enrollment is rising drastically. Do these new groups have the different story? Yes, they have. For the purpose of support and strength, they can be assured of that by the faculty and administration in their institution. This is a reminder to all of you that Community College is very vital especially in regards to higher education (Vargas, 1). They recently visited the White House showing the authorities how they can influence towards attaining affordable access to higher education. No Greater Odds looks at the highlights of what actually community colleges are and also there impacts to many millions of people across different countries.













Vargas Jessica, “No Greater Odds” Documentary coyotestudentsnews, 2015.



316 Words  1 Pages
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