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Write an essay analyzing the musical score in relation to the story and picture for the following scenes and cues, and comparing the musical scoring of these two films

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Paper Instructions:

Write an essay analyzing the musical score in relation to the story and picture for the following scenes and cues, and comparing the musical scoring of these two films:


Cues 13 and 14, "Some of the Old Songs" and "Play It Sam" - 31:35-33:30 

Cue 15, As Time Goes By - 33:32-36:09 


Cue 11, The Portrait - 41:24-44:39

Cue 12, Mark - 46:33-47:41

You are to trace, identify, and write on the songs and leitmotifs as they occur. (For Casablanca, there are also a couple of songs in cues 13 and 14.) 

CHECK THE CUE LIST for each film to determine which leitmotifs to listen for. These may be heard more than once.

Be sure to cover the following:

1. Describe the musical characteristics and orchestration of the leitmotif and other dramatic music in the cue.

2. Describe the corresponding film narrative: action, characters, dialog, what we are seeing as we hear the leitmotif and other dramatic music.

3. Describe the function and meaning of the leitmotif and music scoring - how the music helps to tell the story in this scene or cue.

The paper must begin with an introductory paragraph giving a general overview of your topic.

This should then be followed by the body of your paper in which you analyze the music of each of these cues as they relate to the story and picture. Your concluding paragraph should consist of a comparison between these two films and their music scoring based on these scenes and cues, with reference also to the use of a theme song, whether as source music or as underscore.

The essay must be a minimum of three pages in length (12 pt. and double spaced, with one inch margins). 

If you are not sure of the name or spelling of characters, look them up rather than guessing!

Be sure to capitalize the names of the themes and other proper names.

333 Words  1 Pages
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