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Describe the life journey of Malala Yousafzai in terms of Campbell’s archetypal stages of the hero’s journey

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Paper Instructions:

Describe the life journey of Malala Yousafzai in terms of Campbell’s archetypal stages of the hero’s journey. Research must be based on the book I am Malala, not internet material.
Identify 4 stages for Malala including the "gifts" she received and gifts brought to society (3 stages plus stage 10 Gifts = 4 total). The one-paragraph introduction to the paper should provide Campbell's thesis to his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and state Malala's accomplishments in general. The introduction to each stage throughout the paper should provide Campbell's description of the stage in general, and the purpose, then a full paragraph description of the stage for Malala. Include parenthetical references and page numbers throughout the paper from both Campbell and Malala's book

135 Words  1 Pages
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