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film analysis for the 1990 film Goodfellas

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Identify your selected film, including writer, director, year of release, and genre.
Briefly summarize the film in which you apply your knowledge of the difference between the film’s story and its plot.
Describe one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory) and analyze your selected film through that lens.
Evaluate the use of three specific techniques and design elements employed in the film as they contribute to the overarching narrative and theme of the film. This can include elements of mise-en-scène (e.g., lighting, sound, composition of frame, costuming, etc.) and editing (e.g., cuts and transitions, shots used, angles, etc.).
Describe the connection between this film and society (i.e., politically or culturally, positive or negative) and draw conclusions about its impact.

I have uploaded a previous paper so that you can see my tone. For the final paper, we are allowed to use our previous paper if it is based on the same movie

178 Words  1 Pages
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