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How meaningful is the concept of environment management to you?

Environment management

Part 1

How meaningful is the concept of environment management to you? This was the ground breaking hypothesis for a discussion with Mr. Smith who is an operational manager in an agricultural farm. As a member of the SEI, I was targeting to see how much knowledge he has concerning the environment management and the outcome of the interview was indeed amazing. Mr. Smith had a shallow idea of environment management and he has a perception that environment management is an outdated activity. According to him, environment conservation was the responsibility of the county council and therefore he had no role to play in the management. Mr. Smith also lacks the knowledge of what exactly should be done in order to manage the environment and therefore my aim was to insight him to consider his responsibility in environment management.

Basing on the transparency of the matter that he has little knowledge about environment, I would like to recommend him some few tips that will guide him to embrace the systematic work environment management (Feng, Zhao & Su, 2014). This strategy of conserving environment systematizes everyone in the organization to establish an ill-health free working environment. I would recommend him to review the work environmental policy and procedure so that he can deduce the expectations of the management, employees and all the stakeholders in his organization. If the company does not have a documented policy and procedures, I would recommend him to draw up the work environment policy and document everything. Managers should have all the required knowledge about the risks and consequences of ignoring the work environment management so that a clear plan is done to prevent their occurrence (Feng, Zhao & Su, 2014). I would therefore recommend Mr. Smith to research on environment conservation so as to gain the full knowledge of the subject matter.

Part 2

Q1 &2

The most prominent ancient management trend was that of globalization. It started in the 19th century and its progress is seen. Globalization was widely used in organizations to increase the interconnectedness by melting the communication and other barriers across different nations in the world (IBT STAFF, 2011). For instance, globalization was used by organizations after the World War II to facilitate trading in world merchandised exports. The trade rapidly expanded due to globalization in 1990. The globalization trend was adopted because organizations needed to increase the integration of trade, capital cash flows and the distribution and movement of labor (IBT STAFF, 2011). This trend has been the most established trend that has been the motivating factor for inventions and innovation. The globalization trend has made remarkable marks of industrial advancement.      

One of the most prominent current management trends is that of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. This trend has been used by many organizations through the application of management principles in solving complex community issues like environmental sustainability (IBT STAFF, 2011). For instance, the Pepsi Company has started a project called the Pepsi Refresh Project that is encouraging the Pepsi users to submit projects that aim at social impact and the river cleaning. Generally, I think this trend has been adopted majorly to increase the interdisciplinary interaction of the business management in establishing social and environmental sustainability.    The growing engagements are enough evidences of how the trend has cherished. The numbers of companies that engage in social activities have greatly increased and therefore the morale for the engagements is there (IBT STAFF, 2011).


There are however other management trends that never progressed including the appointment of chief digital officer (CDO). The strategy was targeting at centralizing and running all the digital dealings. It would hold all the digital decisions and in many cases it would run all the digital businesses. The management trend failed because the mere idea of having a centralized power in the digital era was antithetical to the companies which needed to excel in the networked economy (IBT STAFF, 2011).


Feng, T., Zhao, G., & Su, K. (2014). The fit between environmental management systems and organisational learning orientation. International Journal Of Production Research, 52(10), 2901-2914. doi:10.1080/00207543.2013.857055

Top of Form

Introduction to environment management. (2015).

IBT STAFF, (2011) The 5 Most Prominent Management Trends of the 21st century


710 Words  2 Pages
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