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Exegetical Paper Passage and Bibliography

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

You will choose 1 passage from the list provided in the attached document for your Exegetical Paper. Next, research 7 scholarly resources related to your passage and generate a Bibliography. By scholarly sources, I mean both critical commentaries originally published within the last 30 years and critical journal articles. For the commentaries, please refer to the file "Recommended Bible Commentaries.pdf" and for the journal articles, please refer to the file "Using the LUO Library for Journals.pdf." You must use Turabian formatting, and submit the document as a .doc or .docx file. For the Turabian formatting, please refer to the file "Bethany Reference Guide.pdf." List your passage in the text box of the submission link. Textbooks for this course as well as dictionaries, lexicons, encyclopedia, concordances, and the Bible do not count toward the total number of sources. 


1, Psalm 137 is what I want to use for the paper and from the Exegetical Passages attached. Thanks

174 Words  1 Pages
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