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The Allegory of the Cave

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
Explain in your own words Plato's allegory of the cave (which you read in 5.2) and what it is an allegory for (i.e. what ideas is Plato trying to demonstrate with the allegory).

In the allegory of the cave, "leaving the cave" can be a disturbing process because it forces us to see things objectively, as they really are, rather than distorted by our own biases. Describe an experience in which achieving a knowledgeable, truthful insight was disturbing for you.

The prisoners left behind in the cave are also described as being angry with the person that leaves the cave and comes back and tells them what he has learned . Why do you think they have this reaction? Describe an example from contemporary society where people "still in the cave" get angry with the people who have "left the cave" and gained knowledge.

Please describe the thesis as specific as you can. Make sure you answer the question and read the readings in the book and the Rationalism module and make sure this is perfect and answers the question.

192 Words  1 Pages
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