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Autobiography of Gandhi

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Paper Instructions:

Individual Reflective Essay on the Autobiography of Gandhi. This assignment asks for personal reflective thought and some simple research (4-5 page paper [excluding bibliography and cover page], double-spaced, 12pt. font) --This assignment asks you to address Gandhi, the man, and not Gandhi, the myth. In this assignment, you are required to make a critical assessment of Gandhi's portrait of himself, as presented in his work, An Autobiography Or the Story of My Experiments with Truth (Are there any internal contradictions within the text?). I have included both a PDF file of the full text, and a link to the source site.

Individual Essay Assignment (25%) - This assignment asks for personal reflective thought and some simple research (4-5 page paper [excluding bibliography and cover page], double-spaced, 12pt. font)

This assignment asks you to address Gandhi, the man, and not Gandhi, the myth. In this assignment, you are required to make a critical assessment of Gandhi's portrait of himself, as presented in his work, An Autobiography Or the Story of My Experiments with Truth. I have included both a PDF file of the full text, and a link to the source site.

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215 Words  1 Pages
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