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Supernaturalism and Objectivism

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Paper Instructions:

Initial posts should integrate and show understanding of the assigned reading (pages 39-51). Your initial post should be three parts, with each part being at least a substantive paragraph. First, try to explain the Euthyphro Dilemma in your own words. The book covers it rather quickly, so it is permissible (and encouraged) that you do some further research online. However, be sure to cite all sources. Structure is important, so here’s a hint. A dilemma is a very specific type of problem where there are exactly two options, but both options are problematic. One thing that your articulation of the Euthyphro Dilemma should reveal is that it is only a problem for people who try to connect a god and ethics in one very specific way. In your second part, explain what that way is, and then explain one or more other ways god and ethics or religion and ethics might interact. Of course, you need not support any of these ways. In the third part, defend your view on an answer to the question, “what makes an action right or wrong?” (or if you like, “What is the grounds for ethical truths?”) That is, provide an opinion on what you think is the most desirable metaethics. This is a question we will come back to a lot this semester, and this answer is only a first approximation. Then try to defend your view using material we have learned so far. If you are trying to defend supernaturalism, you should address the Euthyphro Dilemma. If you are defending one of the three relativist views we have covered, you should address some of the concerns the book raised. Or if you are defending a source we haven’t covered in detail, try to think of some standard objections people could raise and address them. There is no right answer here, but you will be graded on depth, clarity, and insight.

329 Words  1 Pages
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