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Importance of Scholarly Communication

Questions We Can Help You To Answer 

Paper instructions:

Question: Importance of Scholarly Communication

This discussion should be completed after studying The Importance and Meaning of Scholarly Communication. Compose and post an answer to the following questions:

•    What are the reasons that scholarly communication is important to you, not only at the university, but also in your field of work?
•    List the actual forms of scholarly communication you currently use or probably will use in your career (including your work at the university).
•    Why, in your opinion, is it important to keep all communications of an academic nature at the scholarly level?

unit reading: •    Professional Communication


This unit introduces the Professional Communication and Writing Guide and more details of APA style and format. It includes a thorough description and discussion of how to correctly write postings, responses to other learners, and papers at the University, which is directly related to your work in Track 1. The articles that you find to support your thesis (for a posting or a course paper, for instance) and the careful critical analysis applied to those articles, will form the body of any paper or posting, and the Professional Communication and Writing Guide identifies how to construct successful papers, postings, and discussion responses.

In this unit, you will become familiar with the Professional Communications and Writing Guide used in the university to present learners with the standards for professional communication—whether written or spoken. You will become familiar with:
•    The key elements of academic writing needed for successful postings and responses in the courseroom.
•    The key elements in a course final project (the literature review or final paper).
•    The idea of the key challenge and how to respond to it in the final course paper.
The process of attaining a PhD requires learners to communicate in a scholarly fashion. To complete the PhD program, you must write at a very high level. This means that you have to write to a very specialized audience: a group of academics. During and after the PhD Research Seminar you may find the Professional Communications and Writing Guide helpful. These sessions on professional communications in the courseroom are your first steps in preparing you for independent research throughout your academic career.
As you move forward in your doctoral program, the complexity of your writing requirements will progressively intensify:
•    In your course work, you must develop your initial professional communications skills.
•    In your comprehensive examination, you must demonstrate that you are prepared to conduct independent research and present your investigation in a manner appropriate to your profession.
•    In your dissertation, you must demonstrate the ability to conduct sustained independent research and the ability to communicate your findings in a clear, precise, and accurate way that conforms to the highest academic standards.
The professional communication activities are designed to help you develop the communication skills to succeed as an academic and scholar in the first step of your journey towards completing the PhD. We do not expect that you will be perfect after completing Track 1—or even after completing Track 3. But we do expect that you will take these standards seriously and work to develop your skills to the level required of the PhD.

The competencies covered in this unit include the following:
•    Competency 4 - Apply the process and characteristics of critical thinking.
•    Competency 5 - Evaluate the importance and value of a scholarly discourse.
•    Competency 12 - Apply academic communication skills in verbal and written interactions.

591 Words  2 Pages
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