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Human Services Culture Paper

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Read the following article on the School to Prison Pipeline 

In a well thought out 3-4 page paper please explore your own cultural upbringing. (asian)

1.    How does how you were raised and educated influence your ideas surrounding race and ethnicity and the problems people of color currently face in the US today?  

2.    What are your thoughts about the disproportionate number of people of color in the US prison system? 

3.    If you were working in the human service field what challenges would you have in working with people outside of your race, ethnicity, religion, sexual/gender identity/orientation, etc? 

4.    Include in your paper a discussion of how familiar are you with the following terms and their meanings: white privilege, white fragility, and the Black Lives Matter movement. 

5.    What do you need to do in order to improve your own cultural competency?

153 Words  1 Pages
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