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Write a one-page reflection paper answering the following: As you reflect on your work and your learning in this class, what has been the most impart skill you have improved, insight you have secured, or knowledge you have gained? With respect to the skil

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Write a one-page reflection paper answering the following: As you reflect on your work and your learning in this class, what has been the most impart skill you have improved, insight you have secured, or knowledge you have gained? With respect to the skill, insight, or knowledge you have identified, what is that thing important to you and in what ways, and to what ends, will you be able to use it later on? Below is what was covered to give you a brief reminder of what we talked about in the course.

Class covered:
Socrates's Philosophical Life
Descartes' Method of Hyperbolic Doubt
Immanuel Kant's Epistemolgoy
Aristotle's Conception of Virtue
Mill's Principle of Utility
Locke on the Relationship Between Government and Religion
Universal Human Rights

134 Words  1 Pages
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