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Last Chance, Inc

Case Study: Last Chance, Inc


In this case study, Pat Stevens should solve this big issue by using ethical decision. Pat Stevens should do what is ethically right in order to produce better results.  In addition, he should take time and find out the consequences of the actions and this will finally help him to make moral choices (Jeurissen & Rijst, 2007). In Consequentialism, he should ask himself “what will happen after allowing the import of cargo without domestic documentation and after paying the “late filing fee” without record”.  The important thing in this scenario is to consider what will happen afterwards and so Pat Steven should care more about consequences of whatever action he will take.  Under the Consequentialism theory, utilitarianism will work best and Pat Steve will make wise decision   considering that the consequences of the actions he will take whether (good or bad) will affect the entire company(Jeurissen & Rijst, 2007).  Now, he is supposed to weigh the amount of good and bad outcomes which will be contributed by the action and then after that he can move forward.  In this case, he should consider that failure to follow the import rules and regulations so that he can avoid the import and excise duty may cause civil penalties to the company.  He should comply with regulations based on packing, documentation, insurance requirements among other import rules.  With respect to Consequentialism, failure to follow ethical concern will cause harm simply because in this case the outcome is valued more than the action. Therefore, Pat Steven should consider the outcome of failing to comply with rules.


With respect to deontology theory, Pat Stevens should understand his moral duty as a vice president so that he can make moral choices. He should also apply the rules which govern his duties and follow the universal law. In this case, he should be guided by morality and be committed to do his duty without social rules (Weiss, 2009).  First of all, it is his role as a Procurement manager to find profitable suppliers and discuss wisely with external vendors and come up with advantageous terms.  In this case, the important role he should play is to foresee critical events and   report the emerging functional metrics in order to improve effectiveness. In addition, he must put concern in risk management based on supply contracts.  According to deontology, Pat Stevens should do his duty and follow the set of rules in order to achieve the desirable outcome.  In this case, if Pat Stevens acts out of his duty and   respect the universal law, definitely he will bring the success of a business.  In addition, through social contract ethics,   he should   show justice and be guided by his basic principles and take a solid standpoint (Weiss, 2009).

Virtue Ethics

To solve the case problem, the role of character or ideal character trait is needed.  Pat Stevens will have to reason and focus on both virtue and rightness.  He should take responsibility as well as the suitability to promote better results (Ferrell, Fraedrich,  & Ferrell, 2010).  He should not agree with the unwritten requirement of ‘late filing fee’ in order to create good behavior which other members will copy and at this point he should show wisdom, courage and justice.  In this case, he should go beyond the thought of a business and consider the lives of the suppliers in order to build a good society with them.  In this case, he should not use laws to prevent bad results but he should set characters which everyone should posses (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2010). As we relate this case study with virtue ethics, Pat Stevens should follow some basic rules which will   form character traits to the members involved in the scenario. He should know that virtue ethics is based on personal character and capability approach.  The guidelines are manifested to fundamental character, codes-of-ethics and motivation.  In this case, Pat Stevens should make a moral judgments guided by temperance, integrity and virtues (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2010).  He should not step outside of his profession role instead he should apply virtue ethics in this situation with profession character.  For him to find out whether allowing the import of cargo without domestic documentation and paying  the “late filing fee” without record is unethical,  he should take individual steps  and ask himself “ does this act infringe the  importing rights”?. This will help him to pursue moral excellence through fundamental motivation and create a sound judgment (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, 2010).


In addressing critical issues, it is important to apply ethics in order to make moral judgment.  It is important to demonstrate morality and reliability in order to succeed in our lives and businesses create a better society and lessen immoral decisions.  In this case, I believe that Pat Steven Pat Steven should apply the moral norm and use deontological ethics in addressing the issue.  This is because, he will use independent moral which will guide him in making moral choices.  By making moral choices, he will understand his moral duties and avoid immoral behaviors. I think before following the law, one should be guided by moral rule and take into consideration what the action will bring. For example, forming an agreement with Harbor Master and Abdul Perkasa would bring benefits to him as he would acquire the cargo but it is immoral because the regulation law would be omitted and afterwards the company will be penalized.




Jeurissen, R., & Rijst, M. W. (2007). Ethics in business. Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum.

Weiss, J. W. (2009). Business ethics: A stakeholders and issues management approach. Australia: South-

Western Cengage Learning.

Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2010). Business ethics: Ethical decision making and cases : 2009

update. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

969 Words  3 Pages
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