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Commonwealth of Virginia and HBCUs

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions: 

HBCU's & Trump Relations

Commonwealth of Virginia and HBCU's

1.Read the 3 articles above. .

2.You must summarize each article in separate paragraphs beginning with the history of HBCU's. Summarize with details that will contribute to the reader having a thorough understanding of the plight of HBCU's in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Note: to understand the future of Virginia's HBCU's, there must be an understanding of how top political officials value or de-value HBCU's..

3.How should HBCU's plan for the future and why? Be thorough and specific.  .

4.Reviewing the PRWORA details of  family status and political parties assessment of PRWORA, discuss in a paragraph how might the family status for African Americans be reflected in fate of HBCU's? .

This is a reflection and critical thinking analysis editorial. Be careful that although you are providing your opinion, there should not be any references to "me" "I" "my" or any personalizations. Your opinion should have substantiated support from the articles above. You may research other articles, please include all articles as references. The articles I have provided will get you started. These articles are quite an array of areas but they have one thing in common, higher education and the impact of government funding.

This is a 2-3 page double-spaced assignment with all scholastic APA formatting.

237 Words  1 Pages
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