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Intersectionality and Social Movements

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Define intersectionality in your own words using at least two of the assigned readings for additional support.

Then discuss: is intersectionality a theory? Is it a political practice? Perhaps you see it as both or neither? Explain your thoughts.

Finally, consider a social movement/activist group of your choice focused on women's issues (e.g. Women's March, SlutWalk, etc.) and discuss whether you find their work to be intersectional. Your selected movement/group can be local, national, or international. Just be sure to provide some background information about the group/movement in your paper. Provide examples from their website, look at their followership and participants, examine events they've held in order to support your claims. Feel free to include any relevant images or artifacts as well (such as signs shown at their protests, articles written about the group, or images of their demonstrations).

155 Words  1 Pages
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