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Discuss the differences between his divorce and her divorce

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Paper instructions:


PAGE 1 TOPIC:  Discuss the differences between "his" divorce and "her" divorce.  Why do men and women have different experiences?  What societal level factors contribute to these differences?  Remember to cite your references.

PAGE 2: Participation Board posts are to be related to the topics covered in that week’s reading (READ POWERPOINTS).  Choose something to write about that interests you, or that is not fully covered in the textbook.  Students’ posts should be relevant and timely.  Current events are great! Include the citation for any websites, articles, journals, or books you may reference.  Posts should be scholarly and supported by cited references.

Your response must be supported by properly cited references (use the textbook). 
PLEASE SITE THIS TEXTBOOK: "Diversity in Families."  Authors - Maxine Baca Zinn, D. Stanley Eitzen, and Barbara Wells.  10th edition.  ISBN  978-0-13-402803-3.


Do this --> Marriage in the United States is a legal contract between two adults (p. 13). American cultural norms make love an important component of marriage. Couples are supposed to be in love before getting married (p.14), but in some cultures love comes after marriage (p.45).

Not this --> I think marriage is a contract between two people that love each other. I think love is part of marriage. In some other cultures, love is not important.

All submissions must include citations from scholarly sources.  Approved sources include (but are not limited to) the following:
CNN, MSNBC, BBC, Washington Post, Huffington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, relevant books, academic journals.  You must properly

272 Words  1 Pages
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