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Please create a new post telling us how you can use the sociological imagination to critically think about a pressing social issue (e.g., poverty, unemployment, drug addiction, etc.).

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Paper Instructions:

Please create a new post telling us how you can use the sociological imagination to critically think about a pressing social issue (e.g., poverty, unemployment, drug addiction, etc.). What is the sociological imagination?  What does Mills mean by recognizing the importance of history and biography?  What are the differences between troubles and issues?  Why does Mills make the distinction between troubles and issues?
Mills- HORSE SHOE, North Carolina – Coined in 1959 by C. Wright Mills, the sociological imagination is a term that describes the kind of radical insight the discipline of sociology can offer. Mills suggests that personal problems, from alcoholism to eating disorders, ultimately reflect kinks in the structure of society.

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133 Words  1 Pages
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