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social inequality

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY EXTRA CREDIT ESSAY Due to the significant social progress that has been made over the past several decades, many citizens and commentators have made the argument that various forms of inequality are largely a thing of the past. For example, many believed that the election of Barack Obama in 2008 to the highest office in the United States marked the beginning of a “post-race America” in which people of different racial and ethnic groups enjoy equal opportunities. Others point to the rapid expansion of women’s rights as evidence that men and women hold equal standing in society today. Still others argue that in a class-based economic system such as ours, every citizen has the opportunity to achieve the American dream, and those who are not able to support themselves and their families are personally responsible for their economic disadvantage. For this assignment, please respond to the argument that social inequality has largely been eliminated in contemporary American society. Choose ONE dimension that we covered in the course (class, race, or gender) and make a case for or against continues inequality. You should support your argument with material covered in the course, including lecture, reading, and videos when applicable. No outside research is necessary. Your completed essay should be approximately three typed, double spaced pages. For this assignment please discuss gender inequality

233 Words  1 Pages
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