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sociological perspective (functional)

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

For this assignment, you will write a two-page paper explaining how you would apply the sociological perspectives to explain a social phenomenon. You can get a better idea about how to complete this assignment by looking at the area called, ″Applying the Sociological Perspective,″ in the first lesson. It gives an example by applying the perspectives to Education. Use information from throughout the course to complete the following writing assignment: Use one of the three sociological perspectives (functional, conflict, or symbolic interaction) to explain one of the following social phenomena. • Bureaucracies: Why do we have bureaucracies in the public or private sectors? • Education: Why do we have schools? ˂-------(this is the one i chose) • Illegal Drug Use: Who are more likely to use illegal drugs? What happens to various categories of users? • Poverty: Why does poverty exist? • Prejudice: Why are some people prejudiced against others? • Prisons: Who are more likely to end up in prison and why? • Teen Pregnancy: Which categories of the population are more likely to be involved in teen pregnancy and why? • Wage Gap: Why does the wage gap still exist? • War: Why has the United States been involved in so many wars around the world?

218 Words  1 Pages
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