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A day in a life of a Peace Corps Volunteer in South Africa

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Speaker 1: Nikki Patel
Title of the talk: A day in a life of a Peace Corps Volunteer in South Africa

Focus of the talk: What does education in development look like in rural South Africa

Three years after graduating with her bachelor’s in both international studies and political science, Nikki dropped everything – including a comfortable corporate job – and flew to South Africa to begin work with the Peace Corps. Now she’s home, and ready to tackle international development issues from U.S. soil. As a Peace Corps education and community resource volunteer, Patel spent two years working at a primary school in South Africa’s “forgotten province” of Limpopo. There, she was able to implement courses and ideas she was introduced to at UCI, and run various after-school programs to help her students take learning beyond the classroom.

Is South Africa's Education System Really 'In Crisis'?

Describe inequality and racialization in contemporary South Africa. How do these concepts compare to your knowledge of and experiences in the United States?

186 Words  1 Pages
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