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The Practice Theory Base assignment due in this unit is the second part of your larger project for this course. The purpose of this assignment is to identify the best practice theory bases related to your dissertation topic Depression amongst African Amer

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The Practice Theory Base assignment due in this unit is the second part of your larger project for this course. The purpose of this assignment is to identify the best practice theory bases related to your dissertation topic Depression amongst African American Women in the United States: What causes depression? Exploring scholarly, respected literature will be the preliminary work for this project. This is a Social Work class.

Topic: Depression amongst African American Women in the United States: What causes depression?

Directions----Address the following:
•    Identify and describe the micro-level practice theory base relevant to the issue and problem you identified and how it can be applied to practice interventions related to the issue and problem.
•    Identify and describe the mid-level practice theory base (or bases) relevant to the issue and problem you identified and how it can be applied to practice interventions related to the issue and problem.
•    Identify and describe the meta-theory base (individual and family development theory) relevant to the issue and problem you identified and how it can be applied to practice interventions related to the issue and problem.
•    Identify and describe the macro-level practice theory base (or bases) relevant to the issue and problem you identified and how it can be applied to practice interventions related to the issue and problem.

229 Words  1 Pages
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