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In Hegemony of Play, the authors argue that there are power structures hindering the growth and progress of the games industry. Describe these power structures and how are they negatively impacting games and gamers. How have these negatives improved, wors

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer;

  1. In Hegemony of Play, the authors argue that there are power structures hindering the growth and progress of the games industry. Describe these power structures and how are they negatively impacting games and gamers. How have these negatives improved, worsened, or stagnated since the paper was written?

    2. List and define the five major types of video game analysis and their characteristics. Using the book for guidance, give an example of each type of analysis and describe the type of studies that were conducted. What are the research camps within video game studies?

    3. The book describes a development process that is generally followed by all game producers from AAA to independent productions. Describe the four phases of the development process and give examples of the types of tasks involved in each.
141 Words  1 Pages
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