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Planning for Change

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Paper Instructions:

For this Assignment, you will apply these skills to address a problem related to the case study you have been exploring throughout the course. What problems have you and your colleagues identified as you have explored the case study together?

Select one of those problems that you would like investigate further in order to effect a positive change. Assume the role of the leader in the planning for positive change related to the problem you identify and consider the steps you might take to effect change, and how they might inform an action plan for change. Then, download the Action Plan Template located in the Learning Resources section. Use the template as a guide to assist and organize the different items that you need to investigate in order to move the plan for change in a positive direction.

Submit a 2- to 3-page paper in which you identify the change you would like to implement and explain the plan you would use to bring about the change. Be sure to address all the topics outlined in the template: goals, actions, time frame, stakeholders, and an evaluation strategy. Also include relevant resources that you have located in the library. Note the strategies you, as a leader in education, would take to facilitate change related to the problem you identified. Explain your rationale for the strategy you are proposing.

238 Words  1 Pages
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