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Community Ethnography

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Paper Instructions:

i need a paper that talk about any community that you are in that community or you would to be in. And i want my paper talks about the medical community
which is i wish to belong to, but i could not because I'm an international student in the U.S and the the duration of studying medical about 8 years just for bachelor's degree, and I changed my major to Engineering which the usually 4 years. Because it's hard to be away from your home country that long. 
And these may help you. 
find a preliminary answer to this research question: 
“What are the goals and  characteristics of this discourse community?
you might need these questions:
What are they doing?
What do they write? 
How do i know who is “in” and who is “out, and so on.

also i need an interview (make up) with one member of the community
You might ask things like,
How long have you been here?
Why are you involved?
and so on...

179 Words  1 Pages
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