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What are the perceptions of food among adult African Americans in the primary care setting?


What are the perceptions of food among adult African Americans in the primary care setting?



The information concerning food perception in Africa- American individual lacks good views for a long time. The lack of knowledge is due to the issue not been exploited as it caused feeling development for the party involved. The study examines the views on food perception concerning health care and individual wellbeing about food without provoking them. The study offers satisfactory data as it affects the different perceptions of individuals in the U.S concerning the food they are having, thus providing different views for ab= better understanding of varying food perception. This will be obtained from other peoples; therefore, it will help develop recommendations for distributing a healthy diet regarding individual taste and food perception preference. The study involved qualitative and quantitative analysis, where the data was collected through questionnaires distributed throughout the field randomly. The data collected was recorded on a spreadsheet and later analysed using SPSS for easy presentation of the data through graphs for easy understanding of the data to enable easy drawing of the conclusion. From the research analysis of the collected data, it was discovered that the assessment framework had a p-value of approximately 0.01, indicating a massive counterpoint between racial variation and food perception. This helps to draw the understanding that the concept of food perception is different to different individuals. This led to the conclusion that to reduce food perception differences; we need to embrace useful food perception due to the wide range of food perception differences in African American people. To minimize the risks that may emerge from the difference in food perception, the recommendation that it is crucial to develop a healthy diet for African Americans was made.

Chapter I:



The perception of food habits among adult African Americans constitutes a significant theoretical and practical interest. On the one hand, it indicates the mutual and interdependent impact of various factors on the target members' dominant food habits. On the other hand, it informs the main direction of interventions that should be implemented to promote the responsible and healthy lifestyle among African Americans. The most important aspect is that it will allow implementing culturally competent measures for reaching the maximum possible outcomes in the future. The project relies on Larrabee’s (2009) model of evidence-based practice change. It includes several consecutive steps that may be effectively integrated with one another. The proper utilization of the selected model will lead to clinically significant outcomes with the maximum possible benefits for the target population.

Statement of the Problem

There is extensive evidence indicating the sub-optimal health practices and habits demonstrated by African Americans. It leads to several health problems including obesity, various diseases, and complications. Moreover, many African Americans are very critical towards the mainstream culture and values advocated by its proponents. Therefore, it is necessary to specify their underlying beliefs and priorities. In this way, culturally competent interventions may be developed. In any case, it is highly important to develop culturally competent interventions that are consistent with the expectations of the target population. The present report elaborates on the optimal practices that may be used for specifying food perception among adult African Americans. The relevant recommendations and methods will be specified.


Many studies have elaborated on the possible reasons that prevent African Americans from making healthier food choices. In addition to the lack of awareness among some individuals, such factors as cost considerations, the lack of discipline and time, and low motivation are often mentioned as being relevant in this context (Johnson and Nies, 2005). It is also necessary to consider the objective restraints that exist in any practical intervention as accessibility to healthier food options may be limited. The researcher cannot remove all socioeconomic inequities and should focus on those spheres where their contribution can lead to significantly positive outcomes. It is crucial to formulate such hypotheses and intervention plans with minimal societal changes to achieve positive outcomes.

Moreover, there are various analytical and assessment tools used to evaluate current levels of knowledge among research participants. For instance, Papkonstantinou et al. (2002) suggest that the Perception Analyzer is highly effective for specifying those spheres where the population’s nutrition knowledge is insufficient. It serves as an additional indicator of the main interventions which may allow evaluating all changes in the population’s nutrition knowledge over time while preventing many unsupported decisions. Food perception mostly refers to the trigger that motivates a person to make certain food choices that have positive longterm health implications. Although the existing studies and research have outlined some helpful issues, it is important to elaborate on the problem with the application of the relevant evidence-based practice model.


The significance of the project is critical for both African Americans and the entire society. The widespread food habits that lead to unhealthy diets and further health complications constitute a serious issue. In particular, the spreading of such diseases as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers indicate the direct impact of nutrition patterns on the population’s health standards. Moreover, the higher awareness and responsibility that may be promoted by various campaigns can encourage a large fraction of target members to adjust their nutrition preferences and behavior. In the event the project is successfully implemented, it will also be positive for other ethnic and racial groups as the framework may also be adjusted to their needs and health concerns.

Project Objectives

Several project objectives should be met.

1) It is necessary to identify the current scope and structure of the problem related to African Americans' food habits. It is evident that the African American population is not homogenous, and some differences among them exist.

2) It is critical to specify the underlying cultural factors that affect African Americans' ultimate choices and behavior patterns. In this way, the ultimate interventions may become more culturally sensitive.

3) It is necessary to collect preliminary information on nutrition patterns adhered to by African Americans. Any successful intervention presupposes a close analysis of the target population. It cannot be exclusively based on secondary data as African Americans’ food habits are subject to change. Therefore, the independent data collection procedure through questionnaires or interviews should be organized.

4) It is crucial to develop specific intervention measures to encourage African Americans' target population to adjust their food habits in the desired direction. It should be achieved by impacting those spheres and aspects that are identified at earlier stages.

5) The objective evaluation of the obtained outcomes should be provided according to the actual changes in food consumption and related behavior among African Americans. On this basis, it is possible to formulate specific recommendations about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the interventions made.

Research Question

The formulated research question is as follows.

What are the perceptions of food among adult African Americans in the primary care setting?

Evidence-Based Practice Model

To address the above research question and objectives, the applicable evidence-based model should be used. The selected one is that developed by Larrabee (2009). It includes six interrelated steps that may be repeated several times for reaching the desired outcomes and achieving the goal. The first one refers to assessing the need for change in practice (Larrabee, 2009). It implies collecting the data and identifying the problem. In the current case, the problem of severe health issues in African Americans caused by improper food habits is evident. The secondary data confirm the problem's presence and the urgent need for taking measures to affect the situation.

The second step refers to locating the best evidence in this field. It presupposes conducting research and generating reliable evidence that may be used at later stages.  The best evidence cannot be obtained without the primary collection procedures that should be appropriately designed and consistently implemented. Only when the questionnaire or interviews are appropriately conducted the enough reliable information can be collected.

The third step refers to critically analyzing the obtained evidence (Larrabee, 2009). It means that the obtained data should be systematized and later used for formulating the general direction of practical interventions. Feasibility, benefits, and risks should also be assessed at this stage. Although it is impossible to predict the outcome with absolute certainty, the preliminary evaluation should reduce the general level of risks to the minimum level. Moreover, it should allow making the well-supported assumption about the possibility of affecting African Americans' behavior in the desired manner that will improve their health standards.

The fourth step is designing practice change (Larrabee, 2009). It implies shifting from the general theoretical analysis to concrete, practical measures to design the implementation plan. One of the essential aspects is attracting the required resources for implementing all interventions within the available time frame. For example, if the questionnaire is used, it is necessary to find reliable personnel able to meet the target members and collect primary data from them. Besides, some financial and organizational resources may be needed for performing the proper data analysis. Only when all aspects of the problem are appropriately analyzed can the implementation plan be used for ultimate interventions.

The fifth step is implementing and evaluating the change in practice. All actions made should be consistent with the above implementation plan (Larrabee, 2009). The health needs and cultural preferences of African Americans should be addressed. The outcomes and costs should be evaluated. It is necessary to specify whether the actual food consumption changes among African Americans are considerable and statistically significant. Their comparison to the costs incurred will inform on expanding the project to the target population and recommending such practices at a higher level. It will create the basis for objectively evaluating all evidence and concluding on the project's success.

The sixth step is integrating and maintaining the change in practice (Larrabee, 2009). The recommended change should be communicated to stakeholders. However, close monitoring of the ultimate outcomes is still necessary. It implies the regular reassessment of actual outcomes as they may be subject to change over time. Thus, the regular health reassessment of African Americans' target group should be provided to identify the positive or negative secondary outcomes. In this way, a complete understanding of the situation may be obtained. Ultimately, the whole cycle may be repeated several times until the problem is entirely resolved.

The provided presentation of the evidence-based practice model confirms its applicability to the analyzed topic of food perception among African Americans and the possibility of affecting it in the desired manner. In particular, the preliminary evaluation of secondary sources has enabled clarifying the problem's essence and scope. Moreover, there are the required resources to implement other relevant steps and reach the ultimate outcomes of finding reliable methods for making food consumption by African Americans more responsible and consistent with their long-term health needs.

Philosophical Assumptions

The developed project includes some broader philosophical assumptions that contribute to the general idea of addressing the topic and maximizing the likelihood of favorable health outcomes for the target population.

The first assumption is the holistic view of the interdependence of all aspects of a person’s lifestyle (Reed, 2017). It presupposes that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between food habits and disease occurrence. It is a necessary assumption because if such cause and effect relations do not exist, no practical interventions can lead to statistically meaningful outcomes for the target population. Moreover, it is realistic and adequately reflects the existing literature on the topic. Thus, it may be used in the subsequent stages of elaborating on the topic.

The second assumption is that it is possible to identify the population’s needs and gaps in knowledge through direct or indirect interactions (Nash & Ward, 2017). The project's successful implementation presupposes that it is possible to specify the needs and concerns of concrete people and make the relevant interventions. It means that when responding to questions, people will orient to their preferences and underlying cultural beliefs that are central for making culturally sensitive recommendations. This philosophical assumption allows determining the specific focus on a concrete group of people's needs and concerns. This assumption is also realistic, and it informs on the most appropriate data collection method to be used.

The third assumption is that the changes in people’s awareness, beliefs, and values will lead to proportional behavioral adjustments. It is assumed that in selecting the optimal mode of behavior, people consult their beliefs and values and find the option that adequately corresponds to their short- and long-term needs. Therefore, the optimal strategy is influencing the central values that affect the food consumption of African Americans. On the one hand, it presupposes providing additional information on the health risks associated with current food consumption patterns supported by many African Americans. On the other hand, it refers to addressing those cultural misconceptions about some products or lifestyles that may be culturally biased. Some modes of behavior are rejected not because they are unattainable but because African Americans assume that they represent another culture. Thus, this assumption allows effectively communicating with the target audience about values, beliefs, and behavior changes.

The fourth assumption is that applying a reliable, evidence-based model is optimal for the analyzed problem (Hupp, 2017). As the investigated issue refers to food intake and conscious choices made by individuals, it is assumed that evidence-based practice models that coherently integrate various steps are the most suitable for such problems. The reason is that they include various steps that demonstrate the collection and applicability of empirical data. If the primary data are correctly collected and adequately evaluated, the conclusions made on this basis will also be reliable. Therefore, this assumption suggests that in those aspects where the ultimate interventions cannot be determined theoretically, evidence-based practice models can determine the optimal course of actions. This assumption allows extending the application of knowledge to those spheres where additional empirical support is needed.

Thus, the above philosophical assumptions are enough for examining the research problem and are complementary about one another. They allow determining the optimal methods to be used and priorities to be established. Although they do not guarantee the positive outcomes of the entire project (as some uncertainty always exists), they enable performing the overall research process most consistently and effectively. Both theoretical models and empirical findings will be correctly integrated to promote reaching the formulated research question.



Chapter II: Review of Literature


This chapter reviews the literature on the best practices for identifying perceptions regarding food habits among the adult African American in the primary care setting because it constitutes the basis for the subsequent analysis. The databases used for finding the appropriate sources were licensed by the vendor, EBSCO, through Regis College library namely, CINAHL, Medline, and PsycInfo, which have reliable and relevant articles that meet the selected criteria. Journal articles, which are peer-reviewed constitute the main interest. The search words used included “health perception African Americans” and “nutrition knowledge African Americans.” The journal dates selected for the project are from 2004 to the present, with the most recent sources receiving priority. The search was conducted in Fall 2018. They are reviewing the literature assists in identifying areas for improvement in the perception of nutrition.

Empirical Literature

The sources analyzed have indicated that African Americans' food habits depend on numerous external and internal factors. African Americans appear not to make nutritional decisions arbitrarily but do consider the corresponding cultural implications. In particular, the interactions between the mainstream and their local cultures. They may believe that the mainstream culture tries to impose its views on African Americans, neglecting their specific needs. For this reason, some products and lifestyle patterns are explicitly rejected by African Americans; as a result, their adopted behavior may harm their health conditions in the long term. For a similar reason, they remain highly conservative in their lifestyle and food consumption priorities. Correspondingly, it is necessary to develop a culturally competent approach to demonstrate that they should mostly orient to their health rather than the dominant social stereotypes in this field. In most cases, the required products should be effectively integrated into the desired menu.

The authors have also confirmed the reasonability of relying on evidence-based practice for making well-supported conclusions on the optimal interventions to be made. It is necessary to identify the current structure of preferences and optimal information or patterns to be provided to the target members to encourage their behavior transformation. The optimal combination of relevant theories and empirical data is ideal under the existing conditions. As it is possible to collect the required amount of data within the minimum time frame, well-supported implications can be made. The empirical significance of models should be verified.

Overall, the empirical literature has indicated the possibility of selecting the appropriate sample for testing various hypotheses. The researchers have used various samples of African Americans to determine the factors impacting their food choices. Besides, the ability of various models for both identifying and adjusting their behavior has been assessed. Both quantitative and qualitative research has been initiated. Moreover, all findings are compatible with one another. The key findings refer to the possibility of adequately affecting food awareness and African Americans' corresponding choices. The long-term health implications of such interventions have been formulated.

According to Johnson, R. L., & Nies, M. A. (2005), it is evident that most African Americans have adopted a unique pattern of food consumption, possibly due to barriers encountered access and cost-effective, healthy food. Currently, there are many health problems associated with their reluctance to orient to a healthier lifestyle. Many potentially beneficial suggestions are rejected due to cultural considerations. However, the authors indicate that recognizing the issue and culturally competent interventions may lead to statistically significant positive health effects for all such sub-groups.

Supporting/Nonempirical Literature

Supporting literature is also highly important for comprehending the broader picture of research and research goals. Such sources focus on the general principles of nursing philosophy and its potential utilization in various contexts. It is stated that all interventions and principles should be adequately integrated, and the primary orientation should be on advocating the most urgent health needs of the target population. Such sources help ensure the consistent utilization of empirical studies about African Americans’ food perceptions. It is necessary to avoid any potential logical contradictions while applying various models and systems.

Supporting literature also allows integrating the obtained findings into the broader system of nursing knowledge. It indicates that any results do not merely apply to the target population under study but have some relevance to other sub-fields. On the one hand, it is possible to utilize the consistent generalization approach to derive the sample's relevant implications to the broader audience. For example, any study works only with a specific sample while the ultimate research interest identifies the main patterns of the broader population. Supporting literature indicates how these generalizations should be made to avoid any unsupported statements or conclusions. Nonempirical literature is significant for utilizing the relevant philosophical ideas and assumptions while making the correct strategic choices regarding the relevant framework.

Theoretical or Conceptual Framework

Several theories are used in the project. They provide general guidance on the optimal methods to achieve the consistent analysis of the problem with the relevant implications for target members. The first theory used for the analysis is Orem’s self-care theory. It offers an innovative approach to care as it stresses the role of patients being self-reliant and responsible in their behavior. The theorist recognizes all individuals as being distinct beings who evaluate all available information and make the choices that appear to be relevant for them from their current knowledge. Nursing presupposes the proper interactions between practitioners and patients. Providing the relevant information and resources to patients is possible to maximize the ultimate health effects. It is necessary to inform patients of future health problems that may emerge due to the prevailing conditions (mostly associated with their lifestyle and behavior). Finally, the relevant socio-cultural context should be utilized for promoting the effective implementation of such plans.

Orem’s theory is highly applicable to the analyzed research problem because any intervention can be effective only if African Americans agree to adjust their behavior according to the suggestions made. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the factors that may promote their responsibility and positive attitudes to potential changes. Wazni and Gifford (2017) demonstrate that Orem’s theory may be successfully applied to the needs of patients with schizophrenia. Identifying the main social barriers and developing the corresponding interventions are possible. Under such conditions, the expected effectiveness of care delivery may increase dramatically. It indicates that personal orientation should be combined with the adequate recognition of social aspects.

It is possible to apply Orem’s theory to specify the factors that prevent African Americans from adopting more responsible food consumption patterns. If the problem refers to their low awareness, then additional information should be provided. It should outline the future health risks associated with over-consumption of some products and offer decent alternatives. Suppose the problem refers to the conscious neglect of the best options available. In that case, persuasive arguments should be made comparing the ultimate health outcomes associated with responsible and irresponsible health practices. Based on target members’ feedback, additional facts and information should be provided. In general, Orem’s theory enables establishing effective communication between patients and practitioners with the primary orientation to adjusting their behavior and conscious choices. The practical implementation of this theory does not even require performing the close monitoring of individuals’ adherence at the later stages.

The second theory applicable to the analyzed situation refers to Newman’s systems one. It elaborates on the unique characteristics of every patient that can be integrated into a comprehensive system. Every individual system develops a line of unique responses to external challenges. In this way, every person tries to maintain his/her health balance. Newman has offered a new concept of wellness, defining it as a continuum of energy that supports the system’s stability. It means that it is critical to ensure the stable flow of energy for maintaining individuals' adequate health conditions. The theory focuses interventions on addressing the early symptoms as they may lead to further complications. Correspondingly, the effective organization of interventions’ priorities may reach higher outcomes in the long term. As psychological and physical health aspects are interrelated, it is necessary to minimize the impact of stressors on people’s lives and behavior. Nurses should demonstrate high competence in normalizing psychological health conditions. It is also essential to regularly reevaluate the dynamics of patients’ health and make minor adjustments consistent with their needs.

Rosa (2016) demonstrates that Newman’s model may be applied to the treatment of chronic illnesses. The researcher indicates that Newman’s belief that health is directly associated with people’s expanded consciousness may be applied to the problem of chronic illness. Seven dimensions-health enable performing the consistent and well-integrated interventions needed to expand consciousness praxis and achieve the positive dynamics of patients’ health about chronic illness. The outlined dimensions should determine the intervention patterns used by healthcare professionals. The empirical data confirm the high effectiveness of Newman’s model in treating chronic diseases. It allows considering both factors specific for each concrete patient and the general environmental influences. The flow of energy optimization is also needed for demonstrating consistent health improvements.

            Newman’s model assigns equal priority to both physical and psychological factors, and it may be applied to affecting the food choices made by African Americans. On the one hand, the existing stressors should be considered about African Americans' food stereotypes and misperceptions. It is necessary to make consistent efforts to achieve substantial improvements in their willingness to consider a wider variety of products for consumption. The new perspectives on perceiving the same products and lifestyle patterns should be offered to them. In this way, a gradual transformation may be achieved.

On the other hand, the physical aspects (i.e., the objective health indicators) should be closely considered to determine the actual effects of various factors on African Americans’ health status. The existing theoretical models and estimates may have only the general representation of the conditions experienced by every patient in the future. Therefore, nurses and healthcare professionals should make individually oriented recommendations based on patients’ feedback and health conditions’ dynamics. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that psychological and physical aspects are effectively harmonized by constantly reinforcing both psychological and physiological aspects throughout each interaction stage with patients to promote continuous healthy nutrition choices.


Thus, these two theories may be used as the basis for selecting the optimal methods of interventions. They are also consistent with the philosophical assumptions outlined above. Each model recognizes the holistic human nature that implies the close interactions between various individual elements (including physical and psychological elements). Moreover, they have specific recommendations for generating the expected transformation. The population’s needs and knowledge levels can be effectively identified with the help of such models. Their consistent implementation is not contradictory to one another, and it may lead to the desired effects in the long term. It is also possible to consider applying additional models or frameworks, but when dealing with concrete patients, additional adjustments are needed. The consistent assessment of this population is necessary for determining an optimal program of such interventions.


Chapter III: Methodology


The present chapter examines the methodological aspects of the study that will be used for evaluating the empirical data regarding the perceptions of food habits among adult African Americans. The elaboration on methodological issues is essential for preventing the potential bias and selecting the methods that will correspond to the formulated research problem. It will also ensure the full statistical significance of findings and their corresponding practical implications.

Project Methods

It is reasonable to combine several project methods for this study. On the one hand, focused groups and questionnaires may be used to collect empirical data from participants. A set of questions can be prepared and distributed among the target members. On the other hand, qualitative methods will be used for verifying the statistical validity and reliability of obtained results as well as the possibility of their meaningful aggregation should be made (Hupp, 2017). The combination of such project methods will allow reaching the intended research outcomes.

Research Design

             The qualitative research design will be applied in the study. It will include focused groups used for primary data collection. It will also indicate the influence of local and mainstream cultures on the actual behavior of African Americans. It will also be applicable to specify the cause-and-effect relationships between food perception and African Americans' actual behavior. A qualitative study method is optimal in this situation as it is flexible in terms of the content of the data gathered. This allows the researcher to adjust to newly collected information, often resulting in data collection styles (Polit & Beck, 2017). The data collection method will be consistent with the study design and the project’s objectives, which reduces potential bias and improper interpretations of participant responses, thereby promoting reliable findings.

To measure the impact of food consumption autonomously within the sample group, structured interviewing will be the primary data collection source. The selected questions will cover all significant aspects of the participants’ decision-making to gain a complete representation of their values and beliefs on food and nutrition. Open-ended and closed-ended questions will be created to fulfill this objective, allowing for a variation in response structure and application to the general population. The latter is needed for comprehending the positions of respondents and justifications they offer in such cases (Connelly, 2016). It is significant for qualitative studies to be globally beneficial at the point of results’ clarification and recommendations’.

According to Ottrey, Jong, & Porter (2018), qualitative methodologies are being recognized in nutrition and food research studies.  Ethnography is regularly applied to assess cultural reference to food and nutritional choices (Cordner, Klein, & Baiocchi, 2012). Using the qualitative approach of ethnography is invaluable when the observed sample group is a specific ethnic group.       

Research Questions

What are the perceptions of food and nutrition among the adult African American in the Primary Care Setting?



The participants' recruitment will be randomly conducted at a primary care setting in Columbia, South Carolina, among those individuals who meet inclusion criteria. The process is voluntary, and members can decline participation at any stage in the process.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inclusive Criteria:

Males and females from 21 – 65 years old.

African Americans

Exclusion Criteria:

Under and overage

Non-African Americans

People with mental illnesses


Primary care doctors’ offices are frequently used to conduct studies involving the psychological and socio-economical influences on patient health and preventative treatment outcomes, and behavior modification. Psychosocial improvement of patient compliance can be transformed by incorporating primary care behavioral health (De Paul, and Caver, 2020).

Physician’s office and primary care settings will be used to implement primary data collection (Reed, 2017). The interviews and surveys will be in a primary care setting consisting of only full-time staff with two medical directors, one physician assistant and two nurse practitioners, one registered nurse, one licensed practical nurse, two medical assistants, and three auxiliary staff. Participants will be offered to provide their responses to all questions from the questionnaire.

Informed Consent

Informed consent presupposes obtaining permission before initiating intervention or utilizing participants’ persona information for research objectives. All participants will be informed about the research objectives and methods (Hupp, 2017). The confidentiality of their private data will be guaranteed (the findings will be presented only in the aggregated form). Every individual will be able to suspend his/her participation in the study at any stage. The informed consent procedures ensure that all participants comprehend the research's nature, which also avoids any potential misunderstandings and legal issues. Participants' privacy will be ensured by not revealing any participants’ personal information. A Certificate of Confidentiality was not obtained, but it was not required in that case. Vulnerable groups are excluded from this study, which focuses on the nutrition patterns of adult African Americans. See Appendix A.


            Research variables.

The main research variables that will be used in the study are reflected in Table 1 below.

Table 1.         

Description of Research Variables Used


Conceptual Definition

Operational Definition


Level of Measurement

Statistical Analysis

Thought process before serving food.

Values related to serving size expressed.

The questionnaire’s outcome indicated by participant responses

Data analysis from focus group interviews



The motivation for food choices

Values related to food selection expressed.

The questionnaire’s outcome indicated by participant responses

Data analysis from focus group interviews



Food behavior patterns

Reasons for food choices made by the target population

The questionnaire’s outcome is indicated by participant responses.

Data analysis from focus group interviews



The motivation for food preparation methods.

Values related to food preparation

The questionnaire’s outcome indicated by participant responses

Data analysis from focus group interviews




Demographic variables.

It is also reasonable to examine the main demographic variables (they are presented in Table 2).

Table 2

Demographic Variables.


Conceptual Definition

Operational Definition


Level of Measurement

Statistical Analysis

Income level

The annual income of a specific individual

Questionnaire’s score indicated by participants


t-test and p-values


Male or female

Questionnaire’s response indicated by participants


t-test and p-values

Educational level

The last academic degree obtained

Questionnaire’s score indicated by participants


t-test and p-values

Family size

Number of people in a family

Questionnaire’s score indicated by participants


t-test and p-values


Questionnaire. The qualitative questionnaire will be used to enable the statistical interpretation of key findings. The demographic questionnaire will be used with questions designed by the researcher to assess food and nutrition perceptions among the target population. The questionnaire will be evaluated with the help of standard statistical methods. The percentages of respondents selected for a specific answer will be specified. On this basis, the assumptions about the potential relationships between factors and effects will be formulated (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). It will also be possible to utilize the relevant statistical tests for determining the significance of the observed patterns and the possibility of their generalizations. The consistent application of statistical tests will ensure the maximum degree of reliability and validity (Polit & Beck, 2017). Only conclusions confirmed to be statistically significant will be used in the subsequent analysis (Reed, 2017). See Appendix B.

They are establishing trustworthiness. Audiotapes will be used to record interviews, code names starting at 001, 002, etc., will be used to label each tape to ensure patient confidentiality. Audiotapes and all transcriptions will be stored behind two locked doors, namely locked in a filing cabinet behind a locked door in an upstairs office in my home. I am the only person that enters that room, and it is the only upstairs bonus room. An outside auditor will be used to assure the credibility and trustworthiness of the findings. This will provide opportunities for the research process and findings to be challenged whenever necessary to ensure optimal research findings based on objectivity and non-bias, allowing the researcher an opportunity to summarize preliminary findings and assess the adequacy of data and preliminary results (Connelly, 2016).

Focus group variables. It is the qualitative aspect of the study that includes the following elements.

Site selection. One primary care clinic from two different socio-economic areas within Columbia, South Carolina, to get a diverse perspective. 

Focus group questionnaire. The focus group questionnaire will include several precise questions related to the dominant food habits and their views on their local community or the mainstream society.

Focus group notes. It is also necessary to provide additional notes and specifications regarding participants' responses and their feedback. It will allow assessing the possibility of extrapolating the obtained findings to the broader audience.

I am demonstrating trustworthiness. Lincoln and Guba (1985) suggest four serious measures to establish the trustworthiness of a qualitative study: credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability. A computer software program for content and thematic analysis such as IntellectusStatistics may assist with data analysis and help organize multiple interview data and analyze open-ended replies. This computer software also makes sense of findings in chart and graph form, which will demonstrate research findings in a systematic format and ensure validity. T-test and p-values will be uses to validate research findings.

Plans and Procedures

            The Rosswurm and Larrabee Model for Evidence-Based Practice Change will be used to direct the application of this academic project (Larrabee, 2009), which uses a plan with six steps to direct the execution of the EBP project.

Plan and Procedures

The selected evidence-based change model is the Rosswurm and Larrabee Model for Evidence-Based Practice Change. It includes several interrelated steps that allow achieving the maximum practical impact on the target audience (Larrabee, 2009).

Step 1: Assessing the need for change in practice, including the positions of all stakeholders. It is necessary to arrive at a consensus regarding the need to find new interventions regarding African Americans’ food habits.

Step 2: Locating the best evidence and identifying the source of evidence. It is reasonable to utilize empirical data for evaluating the available evidence.

Step 3: Critically analyzing evidence and specifying their corresponding weight. It is necessary to combine both qualitative and statistical methods for making the ultimate conclusions.

Step 4: Designing practice change and identifying the required resources. Based on the performed analysis, concrete suggestions about the adjustments in practice will be formulated.

Step 5: Implementing and evaluating the ultimate change in practice. The suggestions should be applied to adjusting the food intake patterns of many African American adults (although their voluntary agreement should necessarily be obtained).

Step 6: Integrating and maintaining change in practice, including the close monitoring of the entire process. The change in practice can be promoted by the well-integrated interventions and the relevant adjustments made to different individuals' reactions and responses.

It is also necessary to adequately measure the ultimate achievements and outcomes. It is possible to utilize t-tests, and p-values for confirming the statistical significance of potential improvements to be achieved after the suggested adjustments in nutrition patterns are introduced (Polit & Beck, 2017). It is also possible to combine both the objective indicators of respondents’ health and their subjective responses about their health conditions and satisfaction. In this way, well-supported conclusions can be made.

Data will be gathered using the questionnaire with a set of questions about the cultural influences of African Americans’ food consumption choices and their openness to adjust their current nutrition patterns if enough evidence and support are provided. The structured interviews will be provided throughout the country to generate an adequate sample for making a well-supported conclusion about the structure of African American adults’ food consumption priorities. Maximum confidentiality should be ensured for all participants. They should also be able to suspend their participation in the data collection procedure at any moment. The high-qualified assistants should respond to any questions regarding the ultimate research objectives or clarify any questions if needed. After all, data are collected, they will be systematized in a way to enable the subsequent aggregated analysis while at the same time maintaining the maximum degree of privacy and confidentiality (Hupp, 2017).

People responsible for data collection will not participate in the analysis to avoid any biases or unsupported assumptions. All participants will have 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire (although they will complete it earlier). The multiple-choice questions will be obligatory for all respondents. At the same time, they will be able to decide whether to respond to open-ended questions or not. This information will be necessary to understand further the reasons for people’s food choices and potential interventions to be selected. Overall, the selected methods appear to be relevant for analyzing the examined research question.

Data analysis

            This research project will utilize qualitative data analysis to present findings.

Statistical data analysis. It will be performed based on applying the relevant statistical tests to the target population. Also, a questionnaire will be designed to enable further assessments.

            Qualitative data analysis. The Colaizzi method will analyze data obtained during focus group discussions (Polit & Beck, 2017). The seven steps in the Colaizzi method are:

  1. Read all protocols to acquire a feeling for them.
  2. Review each protocol and extract a significant statement.
  3. Spell out the meaning of each significant statement (i.e., formulate meanings).
  4. Organize the formulated meanings into clusters of themes. a) Refer these clusters back to the original protocols to validate them. b) Note discrepancies among or between the various clusters, avoiding the temptation of ignoring data or themes that do not fit.
  5. Integrate results into a detailed description of the phenomenon under study.
  6. Formulate a detailed description of the phenomenon under study in as unequivocal a statement as possible.
  7. Ask participants about the findings thus far as a final validating step.

All the above steps will be consistently applied to the target population of African Americans.


The timetable for the scholarly proposal is provided in Table 3.

Table 3

Timetable for Scholarly Proposal



Nov.2019 – Jan. 2020

Review planning, including specification of resources needed (recorder, survey, interview, PPE, etc.).

Mar. – Jul. 2020

Organizing the training for personnel involved in data collection and analysis; developing and revising questionnaire if needed

Sep. – Nov. 2020

Conducting the primary data collection

Dec. – Feb. 2021

Analyzing the obtained data

Mar. – Apr. 2021

Making conclusions and implications




The study's main limitation refers to the limited sample and statistical risks associated with utilizing the obtained findings. The study is also primarily based on adult African Americans' subjective perceptions regarding their food habits, and it may not be very objective to some degree. The number of analysis units you use in your study is dictated by the type of research problem you are investigating.

Sample size:  the number of participants and the individual data collected in this study has been dictated by the qualitative research question being investigated, bearing in mind that they generally require smaller sample sizes.

Self-reported data. The study's main limitation refers to the limited sample and statistical risks associated with utilizing the obtained findings. The study is also primarily based on the subjective perceptions of adult African Americans regarding their food habits, and it may not be very objective to some degree. The application of self-reported data may be limiting as it can seldom be independently verified. Participants' responses during interviews or on questionnaires must be taken at face value opening the possibility to several potential sources of bias, which may be noted if responses are different from data collected from sources of the same topic.


The study can be generalized to African Americans' broader population based on the obtained findings and statistical analysis results. For example, with the likelihood of 95%, some food-related implications can be made. Also, the recommendations about how to affect nutrition patterns can be generalized but with statistical reliability.


Chapter IV: Results


            The section mainly depicts the analysis that had been made in the paper. It is argued that the data was collected through a questionnaire, which was distributed to various individuals who had been selected randomly. After collecting the data, it was represented in the form of a table in an excel sheet. It was then passed through the SPSS, where the results were presented in the form of a table. This was essential to bring about a better and comfortable interpretation of the data that had been collected. The SPSS makes it easy for the researchers to develop an effective conclusion for the full results.

Demographic Results

The result collected through a questionnaire in the African American community indicated that the average age affected by food perception was 50.8, with age distributed from 54 to 69. The questionnaires were distributed to people of various education levels, from the lower high school level to the doctorate level. To get the food perception, we offered questionnaires to the married and the single to determine the food perception in all cases. In this context, we also considered the case where the womwn and male perception of food is especially womwn as they are mostly involved in cooking.




The results indicate that the number of females affected by food perception ideas is 48 while the male's number is reduced to 17. The data was collected from sixty-five people randomly, indicating that females are more affected by food perception than their counterparts. The age group involved is distributed worldwide, suggesting that food perception affects people of all ages, but the age group is more than twenty-one to sixty-eight. A single and unmarried individual is twenty individuals; thus, more are affected by food perception while the number of married people is more affected than thirty-one.

The case for divorced and widows have the least number of individuals affected by food perception where the numbers are six and seven respectively. The level of education affects the case of food perception. The data collected indicates that college individuals and high school individuals recorded many individuals involved with food perception having twenty-three and twenty-six, respectively. The doctoral individual suggests a small number of individuals affected with food perception. With three individuals with a lower high school having two people, individuals with bachelor degrees and master degrees recorded a small number of people involved with six and five.

Food choices and perception are responsible for diseases such as diabetes; thus, it causes disorder to people where the number of diseases recorded is a hundred and thirteen. The conditions associated with food perception are diabetes mellitus, cholesterol levels, obesity, coronary disease, and cancer. The illness with the highest value includes high cholesterol levels in individuals, with thirty-four cases reported from the total a hundred thirteen individuals involved in the research. The patient's cholesterol level is more frequent in the individual around the age bracket of twenty-nine to sixty-two years, where most high cholesterol cases are recorded. Obesity among people registered thirty-six patients having increased the number of people suffering from the condition due to food that an individual takes.

Cases of coronary artery disease recorded twenty-seven individuals being affected by the condition due to food consumption. Diseases like coronary artery disease are associated with a high level of cholesterol, increasing the number of people affected by the disease with the cholesterol level. The cancer cases against individuals involved were recorded to be one of the totals a hundred and thirteen cases having the disease in the individuals low compared to the other condition. The disease affects an individual under the age of sixty-five years. The disease was recorded to affect the individual at the age of sixty-five, indicating the disease is associated with age as far as food perception is concerned.

The individuals who understand the importance of fruits regarding food perception was recorded to be twenty-six where the number that understands the importance of vegetable was forty-nine. The causes and significance of water in food and individual were recorded to have thirty-six individuals who understand the importance.  Individuals whose food choice is affected by taste and individual preference were thirteen among the research individuals. Understanding the effect of age on food perception was recorded to have three individuals who believe in age as an aspect of food choice. The cost of food affects thirteen individuals among the total individual involved in the research, where the cost of food is related to individual taste and preference.

Food choice is believed to be healthy by eighteen individuals, while twenty-eight individuals among the total individual do not consider food choice as a healthy choice. Food choice is driven by individual taste and preference, where individuals take food according to their daily needs of sustainability. Among individuals, sixty-five individuals are recorded to understand the importance of nutrition to everyday living to sustain life. An individual's health is usually dependent on the food an individual takes, where fifteen people believe that food is the key to individual health. The effect of culture on food perception was recorded to affect people of all ages in the range of twenty-one years to sixty-nine years, where the outcome is recorded to have a cultural impact all over.

The impact of seafood on individuals' health of individual was recorded to apply to all ages where all individuals believed that seafood affects personal health. Due to the belief, individual willingness to adjust to food perception patterns was recorded to be sixty-five of the total number of individuals involved in the research. This brings the percentage of individuals who understand seafood's impact and those willing to adjust to the pattern to a hundred percent as all individuals are involved.

Graphical Representation of the Results

            The results obtained in the research were presented in the form of the histogram, whereby the analysis was mainly done through the use of correlations. The products that were introduced in the collection of data were as follows:


Meanwhile, about the participants, the data that had been obtained could be represented in the graph below:



With the responses of the participants, the graph below was also received. The graph shows out all the variables that were involved in the study. The graph was as follows


In terms of percentage, the following was also formed of the histogram was attained


Quantitative Analysis of the Results

From the quantitative analysis, it has been found that the mean age for the participants was approximately 50.8 years. With the percentage of the responds and participants, their rates are usually provided in the table above. This showed that the analysis of the data was exclusive enough. Besides such, there was also a quantitative form of data that was obtained in the research and was as follows:

Codes:                                                                           40.0   75.4     49.2

W        Wife                        10            15.4         Age           3            4.6       %

P          Participant               55            84.6         Easy = F.Food        10        15.4     %

VI        V. Import.              0.0                            Cost 13        20.0     %

MC      Med. Condition     0.0                             Taste            14        21.5     %

I           Important             0.0                              MC  10        15.4     %

S          Sometimes            18   27.7                     Health         15        23.1     %

Y         Yes                      19    29.2                                        

N         No                      28     43.1                             65        100%              

Other quantitative form of data that had been drawn from the study was also presented in the table below:

            DD      Doctoral          Degree 3          4.6       %

Code:  SC       Some college            23           35.4     %

            HS       High School             26           40.0     %

            LH       < High School            2           3.1       %

            BD      Bachelor's Degree       6          9.2       %

            MD      Master's Degree          5          7.7       %

                                                           65         100.0   %

The average score for the gender participants also was as follows:

Average           F =       48        73.8     %

Age                 M =     17        26.2     %


From the above form of data, the discussion for the results ends up being easy for one to easily come up with the conclusion for the entire study. The discussion and conclusion for the study is presented in the section below.

Chapter V: Discussion and Conclusion


            Smart dieting is significant for more established grown-ups to keep up great wellbeing and free-living and forestall and treat stoutness and other ongoing sicknesses. The determinants of and racial contrasts in eating practices among more established grown-ups remain ineffectively comprehended. Our fundamental investigation, however, restricted by test size, discovered eminent Black to White racial differences in various large scale and micronutrient results, food buying practices, and inclinations in food store decision among more established ladies living in thickly populated metropolitan neighborhoods in the Washington DC metro zone (Cohen et al., 2017). The striking racial contrasts couldn't be completed due to the varieties in geographic admittance to very much supplied food stores. The investigation was done in thickly populated metropolitan areas where blacks' and whites' knowledge varies widely. (Showell et al., 2017). The distinctions showed up bound to be identified with financial and social contrasts among Black and White more seasoned ladies and the people's age. Our information proposes that racial, economic, and social disparities, just as neighborhood assets, should be deliberately viewed when planning network-based projects to advance smart dieting among metropolitan, more seasoned ladies.

            Even though entrance and openness to solid nourishments are likely perhaps the most compelling ecological elements influencing good dieting, the determinants and outcomes of variations in access stay to be clarified. Because of decreased actual capacity, restricted portability, and pay, more established grown-ups are mostly defenseless against unfavorable neighborhood conditions. Distance from and absence of public transportation to sufficiently supplied food stores seems to restrict food buying recurrence and measure food buying (Milliron et al., 2017). Our examination found that Blacks who went more prominent distances to food stores shopped less habitually, which clarifies a portion of our noticed dietary contrasts, including lower arrived at the midpoint of admission of fiber, new vegetables, and organic products. The movement time to stores found the median value of inside 30 minutes travel every route among Black and White ladies living in DC areas (Cohen et al., 2017). The black community's hazardous nature is one of the causes of failed food perception and distances from the stores, causing the movement to be minimal.

Notwithstanding, even somewhat longer travel times (around 4 minutes longer) were related to less incessant food shopping among Blacks (Mbui et al., 2017).  Further examination is expected to investigate how such unpretentious contrasts in time impact shopping recurrence among more established ladies. It is also vital to research why the Black ladies voyaged farther: they needed to (fewer stores in their areas). On the grounds, they favored stores father away with a more impressive assortment and accessibility of food things and other explicit store qualities.

            Blacks may incompletely disclose less good dieting and less incessant food shopping to White contrasts in pay and training level. Restricted pay frequently contrarily influences the acquisition of solid nourishments (Milliron et al., 2017). Following past studies, individuals' examinations also demonstrated that less sound nourishing admission in these metropolitan, more established ladies was related to lower pay and less instruction indicating the effect of food perception on foods' price. Past investigations have indicated that social confinement and living alone adversely influence good dieting and shopping recurrence. Nonetheless, our research found that more established White ladies were twice as prone to live independently as Black ladies (64% versus 32%) yet ate more grounded than their Black partners, affecting the divorced and unmarried individual in the society.

            Even though by far most of the ladies of the two races concurred that item quality and the accessibility of new products of the soil was in their decision of food store, it fascinating to notice the insignificance given to other store attributes by more seasoned Black and White ladies (Showell et al., 2017). Blacks, by and large, positioned undeniably more store factors as incredibly or significant than Whites. Contrasted with Whites, more seasoned Black ladies were more worried about the accessibility of public transportation, security, and an open to shopping climate (Mbui et al., 2017).  Age-accommodating highlights, including the modest store size, simplicity of coming to and discovering things inefficient passageways, were of more major worry. Blacks were more worried about the accessibility of value impetuses, which might be intelligent of lower pay levels (Milliron et al., 2017). Even though Blacks would, in general, eat less sound weight control plans, it is fascinating that they expressed more worry than White ladies about a good stockpile of solid nourishments in stores (Mbui et al., 2017). They were especially keen on getting lean/decreased fat meats, fish, frozen vegetables, and nourishments required for well-being (e.g., sans gluten). General wellbeing activities are expected to research why more seasoned Black ladies need not buy these better nourishments contrasted and their White partners.

            Another significant finding is that there was no racial contrast in the ladies' suppositions about the actual availabilities of the accompanying things in their standard food store: new, frozen or canned vegetables or natural products, low-fat dairy, low-sodium nourishments, and lean meats. Even though Black ladies had a lower mean training level and revealed a less reliable eating routine than White ladies, they are more associated with taking more nourishing foods.  Black ladies announced being more mindful of nourishing rating frameworks (e.g., Nuval, Guiding Star) at their stores (36% versus 62% reacting "Don't have a clue" of such appraising frameworks, p=0.01). It is indistinct whether such huge racial contrasts are because of racial disparities in social allure revealing inclination (explaining to satisfy the spectator) or advantageous in the stores the Black ladies frequented. Further examinations need to address this issue deliberately.

            The examination has a few qualities. First, individuals added to tending to the hole to understand food buying conduct in more established grown-ups by creating and regulating new instruments to estimate related exercises of shopping propensities, store inclinations, and venture out mode distance to stores. The new tools supplement existing instruments for evaluating best eating practices (Mbui et al., 2017). These new devices were utilized related to GPS information, and information can be approved for dependability and address revealing inclination. Necessary components of the information remembered data for a place (geographic area, indoor versus open air, and so forth), recurrence, and transportation mode (e.g., strolling, transport administration, driving). For more established ladies' food buying practices (e.g., market shopping), eating outside the home (eatery food utilization), and actual exercise (both practical and proactive recreation tasks). With this new methodology, members' local climate openings can be all the more correctly figured, and natural impacts on the view of neighborhoods, food buying, and diet can be all the more viably surveyed. Second, utilization of numerous enlistment passageways guaranteed the members' geographic, financial and racial representativeness (Showell et al., 2017). Individuals intentionally enlisted members living in an assortment of metropolitan areas topographically spread over the DC metropolitan region. This zone-based enrollment system guaranteed diversity and representativeness of the members (Milliron et al., 2017). Third, we deliberately restricted the examination to more seasoned ladies with an equivalent distribution of test sizes to Blacks and Whites. Even with the generally small example size, the investigation could distinguish various unassuming to enormous contrasts that point out moderately strong racial discrepancies among more seasoned ladies. This cannot be cultivated without a cautious examining plan.

The people's food perception is greatly affected by an individual's age concerning their understanding of the food. The young people's perception of food was unlimited as most of them consider food to their taste and preference, thus useful in considering food choice. The aspect is associated with the loss of sensitivity in taste and the oral structures and gland. The reduced chewing usually affects the food perception of the elderly in preference to the young (Padulo, et al., 2017). In this context, the young will choose the foods they take, directed by the taste and preference. The change in the sensory structure was the limiting factor to the food perception to the elder as the young people's senses are strong; thus, they can easily make food choices.

            Education has a significant determinant on perception, especially on healthy eating according to the level of individual education. Most of the individuals at lower high school and primary education had the notion that sweets are not healthy food, but they believe that we can take a small quantity of everything to constitute a diet (Bartkiene, et al., 2019).  They believe that traditional food is essential to a healthy diet where the key is to take precautions not to take fat foods. About the people with high education, people with lower education are easily affected by food perception due to their insufficient knowledge on food perception and dieting. In this context, the number of people with high education perception is not affected by food perception, thus reducing people.

            Food perception in terms of food choices is relative to some diseases associated with dieting and food choice. A diet with a high level of fat and cholesterol is associated with increased cases of diabetes to the individual feeding habit, thus increased diabetes (Al-Mountashiri, et al. 2017). Among the cases, diabetes is high as it is associated with feeding habits as some of the types of diabetes are associated with high sugar in the body. Food dieting requires a diet with high fiber content, low fat, cholesterol, salt content, and sugars to reduce diseases. In fighting diabetes, one needs to take food with low calories, low cholesterol foods that include leafy vegetables.


            Nonetheless, our examination was restricted in its small size, single geographic area and single-sex, cross-sectional nature, and absence of noticed food storage conditions. Aside from the GPS and accelerometer information, the investigation depended intensely on self-report details, liable to review, and socially attractive quality inclination. The examination was likewise restricted by utilizing three 24-hour reviews of dietary admission inside seven days to inexact an individual's regular access (Mbui et al., 2017). To catch a more practical cross-sectional perspective on and longitudinal changes in food buying and dietary patterns, a more significant number of rehashed 24-hour reviews during the year and over numerous years are essential (Cohen et al., 2017). Our future examinations will cautiously address every one of these methodological constraints by consolidating a longitudinal plan and considering more seasoned men, different races/identities, and other more established grown-ups living in rural and provincial neighborhoods in assorted geographic areas.

            The discoveries from this investigation have significant ramifications to maturing and general wellbeing research. Studies have indicated that helpless dietary quality, portrayed by lower admissions of fiber, natural products, vegetables, entire grains, lean protein, and a higher entry of undesirable fats, are related to greater danger for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, specific kinds of cancer, decrease in physical and intellectual functions, fall injuries, hip fractures and prior loss of independent living. Racial contrasts in eating routine quality may add to wellbeing differences in more established age (Shalowitz et al., 2017). Effective advancement of good dieting among more seasoned Blacks may help lessen variations in sustenance-related wellbeing results. To achieve this, more thorough investigations on racial and social contrasts in food inclination, food buying propensities, and eating practices are expected to help racially and socially fair projects to advance good dieting.

Results Implication

            From the results, it is drawn that individuals should try to practice a healthy diet as a vital way of guiding their health. Individuals should understand that the perception of food by the American-Africa people is not one of the essential aspects that should not be allowed or borrowed by any individual (Saxe-Custack et al., 2018). The mentioned individual’s perception is not one of the best perceptions’ individuals should hold in their minds. Therefore, their perception is wrong and needs to be changed for a better life for the individuals. Under this concept, the cases of individuals who were willing to change in African Americans were reported to have the interest to change their perception.

Dissemination of Findings

            The accompanying examination is critical to research food utilization, buying practices, and inclinations of store highlights contrasted generously between more established Black and White ladies. Such racial contrasts should be additionally analyzed to comprehend their causes and systems to advance good dieting in a more established populace. Despite the need for the black American willingness to adjust to food perception change, the contrast between their taste is evident.

            It has likewise been noticed that the examination found that African-American ladies battle with certain acceptable dieting practices. In this examination, ladies didn't sufficiently follow the suggested eating rules as a plot by the US DHHS (Saxe-Custack et al., 2018). Our discoveries are predictable, with a previous audit revealing that African-Americans are less inclined to burn-through suggested everyday servings of soil products. Likewise, most of our examination members didn't burn-through ≥five servings of foods grown from the ground consistently, which is similar to a statewide investigation of AA ladies in Florida where we led our examination. On the other hand, AA ladies in our review revealed having breakfast routinely, which is fundamental since having breakfast has been appeared to have various advantages (Shalowitz et al., 2017). In any case, the number of AA ladies who detailed eating or adding salt to nourishments is disturbing. A lot of sodium is now present in prepared nourishments that are well-known AA ladies' decisions—adding more salt postures great dangers. Even though this investigation didn't measure sodium consumption, sodium is straightforwardly connected to hypertension, predominant in AA ladies (Saxe-Custack et al., 2018). There are a few rules and proposals from state and public wellbeing offices about decreasing sodium in nourishments (e.g., US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Notwithstanding, it shows up from our examination that AA ladies are not after suggestions (Shalowitz et al., 2017). Clinicians and general wellbeing experts should additionally advocate for and instruct high-hazard populaces (e.g., African-American ladies) about the current proposals and rules for diminished everyday sodium utilization and damages of additional sodium in food.  The damage is demonstrated through the increased rate of diseases and high cholesterol levels among ladies and men.

            Specialists additionally need to look at the connection between SOC and dietary patterns. The discoveries show that paying little heed to geographic limits or sociodemographic qualities, AA ladies appear to be, to some degree, spurred to change dietary patterns (Saxe-Custack et al., 2018). Notwithstanding, there could be elements (for example, pay) that block better dietary propensities in AA ladies as the cost of food perception is affected by the cost where the foods cots make them fails to achieve the right diet.  The most elevated extents of ladies rehearsing good dieting propensities are accounted for being in the support SOC. Conceivably, these ladies faceless obstructions to eating well and may have higher information levels about good dieting.

            Strangely, researchers noticed irregularities across SOC classifications. For instance, the recent ladies having breakfast were higher among ladies named contemplators and preparers contrasted with ladies in SOC activity. This intellectual cacophony can be deciphered as certain ladies in the activity SOC may imagine eating healthy, yet the truth is told, they are not (Milliron et al., 2017). Likewise, it could be deciphered that ladies in the activity SOC are ignorant of suggested dietary patterns even though information on current eating proposals was not estimated in the recent examination. Equivalent examinations propose that information is significant (Saxe-Custack et al., 2018). A subjective investigation of African-Americans living in North Carolina's territory uncovered low consciousness of day-by-day proposals for foods grown from the ground. Besides, a new Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics report affirmed that while most people knew what they ought not to eat, few knew what they ought to eat. The discoveries are steady and demonstrate that paying little mind to SOC, AA ladies were bound to add salt to food and more averse to eat organic products, vegetables, and entire grains.


            As referenced before, analyzing SOC is unpredictable in its connection to dietary change and dietary patterns for people. For instance, a solitary individual can be found to keep a specific healthy way (i.e., eating the suggested measure of leafy foods every day), except considering an adjustment in another dietary pattern or conduct (i.e., decreasing salt utilization or undesirable nibble utilization). As these practices will converge in various manners inside various people in any example, zeroing in on solitary conduct resulting from mediation arranging may have restricted worth (Garfinkel et al., 2017). Future examination around there is justified, and experts ought to think about such irregularities inside a populace across different eating practices.

            The examination discoveries should be considered in light of a few impediments. The fleeting connection between SOC and simple dietary patterns is indistinct (Trapl et al., 2018). This inquiry requires extra examination utilizing future or intercession study plans (Saxe-Custack et al., 2018). Another restriction is that members in this investigation might be more mindful and anxious to change. The wellbeing practices gave their ability to set aside the effort to finish the 15-min review; subsequently, this example may not be an agent of AA ladies all through the USA; this was an accommodation test.

Notwithstanding, our discoveries are reliable with those of different scientists. Self-revealed information additionally has a few inalienable inclinations. Members tend to underreport dietary admission, weight, and stature or give socially attractive reactions, regularly bringing about possible overestimation of good dieting rehearses (Garfinkel et al., 2017). Finally, this was a cross-sectional observational examination, and the discoveries could experience the ill effects of the natural imperfections of cross-sectional investigation plans.

            This examination increases the value of the current information about SOC and current dietary patterns of AA ladies. The investigation's strength is the special consideration of instructed, wedded, and a sensible number of working-class African-American ladies, a gathering customarily understudied (Trapl et al., 2018). Additionally, the purpose behind estimating SOC is that it hypothetically speaks to a primary mental cycle of genuine change; each stage is an appearance of a more profound perspective that has just occurred about one's need to eat better (Garfinkel et al., 2017). It is consistently hard to contemplate mental changes even though SOC has been demonstrated to be a reasonable sign proportion of mental cycles. Like age-fitting messages, SOC proper messages may serve to more readily persuade African-American ladies to improve eating rehearses.

Moreover, more exploration is expected to comprehend whether AA ladies need information on these proposals. If they know about them, they need information on the most proficient method to apply these suggestions to their ordinary eating rehearses (Garfinkel et al., 2017). Subsequent examinations could incorporate a bigger example size, top to bottom evaluation of solid dietary practices, nitty-gritty requests about dietary approach, and longitudinal investigation of social, social, and relational effects on a dietary system.


            In conclusion, researchers found in their investigation that AA ladies don't enough follow the suggested eating rules for a sound eating routine (e.g., devouring ≥five servings of products of the soil consistently). Likewise, more than one of every five ladies adds salt to most or the entirety of their dinners. Finally, we found a relationship between current dietary practice and goal to change because of the SOC model. African-American ladies need to eat well and are anxious to that are robust and feasible.

            An initial step is to distinguish ladies in various phases of progress effectively and design techniques to move AA ladies from the consideration and arrange SOC to activity and support SOC. Moving AA ladies starting with one phase then onto the next would require planning stage-explicit systems. SOC discloses explicit cycles needed to get people across stages. Those could apply to AA ladies, for example, those in our examination populace. For instance, cycles, for example, awareness bringing, could be appropriate in instructing and making AA ladies consider a solid eating routine on the off chance that they have not been pondering the equivalent (pre-contemplators). Likewise, for ladies who are contemplating eating well or intending to eat healthily, the mediations could zero in developing self-viability, expanding inspiration, diminishing hindrances, and expanding apparent advantages to practicing good eating habits. These mediations could be actualized at various levels (relational, social, authoritative, or network-based).

            Growing clear messages about the thing are considered "smart dieting" and suggested eating rehearses, paying little mind to current SOC, is fundamental to help African-American ladies improve their present dietary patterns. Nutritionists and wellbeing intercession specialists should consider giving custom-made mediations representing one's SOC to improve African American ladies' nutritional patterns. As African American ladies learn useful approaches to eat healthily, they can get engaged to change.









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Appendix C Timeframe/Gantt Chart Data





Appendix E Larrabee EBP Model Illustration

Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenological method used.

Steps in Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenological method Step Description

  1. Familiarization: The researcher familiarizes him or herself with the data, by reading through all the participant accounts several times
  2. Identifying significant statements: The researcher identifies all statements in the accounts that are of direct relevance to the phenomenon under investigation
  3. Formulating meanings: The researcher identifies meanings relevant to the phenomenon that arise from a careful consideration of the significant statements. The researcher must reflexively “bracket” his or her pre-suppositions to stick closely to the phenomenon as experienced (though Colaizzi recognizes that complete bracketing is never possible).
  4. 4. Clustering themes: The researcher clusters the identified meanings into themes that are common across all accounts. Linking () of pre-suppositions is crucial, especially to avoid any potential influence of existing theory.
  5. Developing an exhaustive description: The researcher writes a full and inclusive description of the phenomenon, incorporating all the themes produced at step 4.
  6. Producing the fundamental structure: The researcher condenses the exhaustive description down to a short, dense statement that captures just those aspects deemed to be essential to the structure of the phenomenon.
  7. Seeking verification of the fundamental structure: The researcher returns the fundamental structure statement to all participants (or sometimes a subsample in larger studies) to ask whether it captures their experience. He or she may go back and modify earlier steps in the analysis in the light of this feedback.



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