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Humanities are the academic rules that study the characteristics of human society and culture. Contemporary culture refers to the culture of a specific society in the modern world and times. It also includes the present trends and practices, beliefs and values in the society.

According to Sengupta (2019), digital transformation in society has become very effective for humanity. New innovations have made an impact on people’s lives making work easier and adding information and knowledge. The innovations in technology are helping cultures to develop and get into the digital space. This has helped them to obtain information and interact with people in the digital space making people become more social. Digital transformation has helped people in the business world, sharing products and information about them digitally has helped them get a high customer base. Businesses have made partners digitally to help them market and improve their business. Digital transformation has created jobs for a lot of people. Most marketing jobs in the modern world are done through digital platforms.

Sengupta (2019) states that digital transformation has enabled people to be more creative. Books and articles are written every day due to access to the digital space. People have become more creative even in terms of presenting their work. The main value of the creative expression for contemporary culture is the way it has given us opportunities and a platform to interact with one another. This has led to the creation of job opportunities and competition in the business world. Creative expression has made people keep in contact with each other and even interact with people they have never met. It has helped people who have different beliefs and backgrounds share a common platform.


Contemporary culture has been appreciated by people since it has enabled us to learn new and exciting things in the digital world. It has helped to bring different people together and share their views and ideas. It has enabled people to come up with new innovations and thrive in them.

















 Sengupta S. (2019) Contemporary Culture and IP: Establishing the Conceptual Framework:


354 Words  1 Pages
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