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Are we too connected?

Are we too connected?

            We as a society are too connected. Social media can be held responsible for affecting the mental health of many in the society. In reference to the work of Strickland (2014) deterioration of mental health is greatly connected to the increased use of social media. Social media has taken away time that should be spent sleeping, and now more than ever people are spending more time on social media than they spend sleeping. I find it hard to disconnect since it is the easiest way I can reach out and connect to my friends. Some activities such as family times and school hours should be free of devices and connectivity. Despite the many disadvantages of connectivity such as am expected to be available on call all the time it has allowed me to access information more easily. 












Strickland, A. (2014). Exploring the effects of social media use on the mental health of young adults.



159 Words  1 Pages
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