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Happiness can be found in unlikely circumstances


Happiness can be found in unlikely circumstances


 In life, happiness is so important because it helps individuals achieve their ambitions and goals.  Happiness also makes people grow physically and emotionally. Generally, happiness brings positive effects in all aspects of life (Wing, 2017). The important thing to understand about happiness is that it can come from unlikely circumstances. This means that unpleasant things can unfold happiness. In addition, unexpected circumstances and unimaginable people can bring happiness and when one is faced by such circumstances, it is important to avoid negative thinking, view life using a positive mind, and be thankful in all situations (Wing, 2017).

Failure of a serious relationship is one aspect of my life that helped me succeed in life.  Almost everyone experiences failure in life but I personally suffered from breaking up with my lover and I felt completely down. My lover left me after being in a serious relationship for three years. My life was full of sadness and anxiety. However, I tried to control my emotion and I decided to talk it out with a counselor who helped get over it. During the session, I connected and interacted with other clients. In subsequent sessions, we became affectionate with one client who later became the love of my life. I learned that all things happen for good and rather than focusing on the break-up, I made a positive transition and developed a positive attitude that helped me grow emotionally.

 Thus, accepting failure and having a positive thinking toward the pain experience helps one approach life's challenges and achieve happiness. People should not ignore bad things but they should view things in a positive light and view the situation realistically (Bhatia, 2017). It is also important to learn from the situation and have a positive situation. Bad things are inevitable but they cannot bring someone down. However, negative thinking can bring you down and affect your overall well-being (Bhatia, 2017). Thus, people should not let unexpected circumstances ruin happiness but they should view the circumstances and situation as valuable signals for happy living.


















Bhatia, B.  (2017). Discard Worries Be Happy. Place of publication not

            identified: Lulu Com.

Wing, D. (2017). The happiness perspective: Seeing your life differently. Ann Arbor: Loving

            Healing Press,


375 Words  1 Pages
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