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Observational Protocols


Observational Protocols



            There are two forms of observation that are used in the learning process. Pr-observation is a method used by both the teachers as well as the administrators. It is mainly focused on determining the activities that are expected to take place during the learning process. There is also post-observation whereby the observer focuses on the activities that have been taking place using the learning process. This involves the teacher’s activities as well as those of the learners. The administrators in various states and cities apply various protocols in the learning institutions. These protocols are used to determine the activities taking place in the learning institutions, mainly; the learners, teachers and the utilization of time during the learning process. Various protocols used by the teachers during delivery or modification of the already existing knowledge to the learners different learning institutions have expectations which are different depending on the areas observation and the rate of observation schedule. This paper will be explaining the various protocols.

Pre-observation conference

            The observation is carried out for evaluation purposes. It is also an essential element for development as well as growth. In cases where observation is directed to development, trusted peers or colleagues are the ones given the duty doing away with supervisors or the aspect of authority in learning.  The use of animations, for example where the teacher uses a toy enables the learners to be attentive as it breaks the boredom and makes learning more attractive Dercle et al, 2018). It is also possible to include questions concerning the area of learning. For example, the teacher asks some questions to the learners concerning what they can see in the chart. There are two models of observation among the peers. The first one involves the situation where the teachers have a duty of selecting an interesting are, carrying out observation in the classes. The teacher handles the learners in a way that is attractive. It should also enable them to achieve attention and interest of the learners. Pre-observation enables the learning team to be more exposed to the practices of teaching of other people. Pre-observation enables the learning team to be more exposed to the practices of teaching of other people. It enables one to apply the acquired knowledge into their work. There is also another purpose of pre-observation in that it enables to draw a setting where conversations which are more structured takes place. These conversations are mainly directed to the goals of teaching.

Post-observation conference

            This usually happens later after pre-0observation has taken place. It enables completion of an observation form. The teacher uses involves the learners in learning to know if they have understood the concept. In the video, the learners are being given a chance to move in front and do some illustrations. This is mainly directed to test the knowledge that the learners have been able to achieve in the course of the lesson (Dercle et al, 2018).  Later, the teacher asks the learners some questions to determine if they are aware of what to do later after the lesson. It is the duty of the teacher to direct the learners in what to do after the end of the lesson in order to retain the knowledge acquired.  Later, usual discussion follows. The other model base on an individual where the educator carries out  observation and then goes ahead to prepare a sheet containing information about her feedback. This will enable the teacher to achieve knowledge related to their field of concern. It is therefore clear that pre-observation conference promotes proper documentation in the learning institutions.

There are several protocols used in learning as discussed below.

Classroom observation protocol

This tool has been in use by most of the learning institutions in Rochester city. It is being used to address the issues of the quality of the instructions, engagement of the students in learning the environment of where the leaning activities are taking place as well as the implementation of the curriculum (Lasagabaster & Sierra, 2011).  The tool enables the person carrying out the observation to examine the nature of the learning environment basing the temperature, set up, neatness materials organization as well as the work carried out by the learners. This tool is easy to learn and implement hence easily applicable in the learning institutions.       

Student-centered observational protocol

            This kind of protocol is mainly concerned with engaging the learners in various scientific activities. The goal of this protocol is to assist the learner to come up with evidences and give explanations of the same, gain knowledge concerning the various scientific explanations and be in the position to apply them in their activities, be able to know about all what scientific knowledge entails and be able to take part in the application of scientific practices. (Granger et al, 2012).


            The main aim here is to generate this protocol to provide clear information concerning the present science findings from the research that are being conducted. This is mainly to give guidance towards the establishment and growth of future science (Walkington et al, 2012). It helps to do away with the barriers of development thus enabling the learner to achieve their goals. Mostly, the administrators and principals have been trying to improve the school performance but they have been lacking knowledge concerning the ways in which they can facilitate the performance improvement. This tool have been enabling the teachers to know about the way knowledge in science would facilitate the facilitate achievement of good results.

            Research has shown that majority of the students who are undergraduates acquire more knowledge in the courses that engage learners more directly. This protocol had been established to cater for the needs of the university students (Smith, Jones, Gilbert & Wieman, 2013). They had been in need of this protocol in order to be able to feature the background teaching to give information concerning how the learners had been using the time located for class work and to know the pressing needs of the profession. The method has been in use for courses like technology, mathematics, teaching science and engineering.  The protocol is useful at various levels. To begin with, at the level of an individual, it enables the members to receive their result’s code with pie charts. They enable the members to determine the ways they are utilizing their class time. This is because there been a state of knowledge sufficiency with the learners concerning time usage.  It has also been easier for the members of certain faculty to use the protocol in supplementation of their usual documentation. This entails the documentation of the evaluation that has been done by the student. It also consists of a description presented in written form showing all the practices that has been taking place in the classroom.

            At professional level, the protocol is being used to come up with targets that have been set for the development of the particular profession. For example, there has been sharing of aggregate data of the protocol with the UMaine Center for Excellence in Teaching and Assessment. One of the areas that will be put on focus is trying to bring in to existence the promotion of peer discussions. This will only achieved through use of clickers. This had idea had been stimulated from the evidence of the protocol which had been showing that the Umaine classes had been using clickers but only allowing less or no time for recommendations given to allow the peer groups to have some time. This protocol had been also been planned to be used by the instructors to carry out observation systematically so that they can be to feature the teaching practices in University of British Columbia. The information achieved from the protocol will also be utilized in feature the recent usage of instructional practices that are based on research.

            The choice of usage of this protocol is usually determined by the requirements of every given situation. This protocol is easy to understand and features what the activities that the instructors as well as the students are doing in class without any form of judgment. It also offers data that can be easily applied in various situations. There is realization of improved in the teaching of an individual or course.


Generalized Observation and Reflection Protocol

            This is a protocol that has been in use with an aim of observing the behaviors of the leaders.  This tool had been developed by the University of California and is being used in various learning institutions in the state. It involves taking records of the activities that are taking place in the section of discussion, classroom, laboratory or field where the learning is taking place (Harris, 2015). Through this protocol, there is development of easier and flexible ways of observing the classroom activities. There is no judgment while using this tool. There is independence of the participants of learning. The information collected using this tool tries to bring into sense the much time that has been used but does not bother with the way it has been utilized. There is little training required and less judgment. The activities done by the instructor as well as the learners are recorded here. The level of participation by the learners is also part of the recording.

Observing Patterns of Adaptive Learning

            This dimension had been developed to guide and proper documentation of the observations taking from the classrooms. This protocol had been growing from a survey carried out to bring transition to the middle class. It is grounded on the recent research that is being carried out concerning the behaviors of the teachers as well as the instructions that areca being given within the classroom (Shekhar et al, 2015). It is also grounded on the learning strategies and motivation. The protocol entails the information that is being related to the behaviors of the learners when they are within the class. It is also related to the manner in which the learners look for and receive assistance concerning learning. The named dimensions are concerned with the interests of members of the group individually. This protocol had been developed using the behaviors of the learners within the classroom as observed in the records. It is basically applied for learners at all levels of learning hence it has no kind of barriers.

Observational Protocol

            This protocol is being used for complete observations and it is applied in all levels of learning.  This can occur within the period where the learners are in the classrooms for learning purposes. The observation activities are panned by the person who is observing. It basically entails the act of planning what is to be included in the learning session. This is usually prepared by the observer and the one who is teaching (Marzano, Carbaugh, Rutherford & Toth, 2014). The teacher might be willing to get feedback from the learners after teaching to know the effectiveness of their good actions during the learning session. There might also be a session where the learners will be expected tom practice the knowledge that they have acquired during the session of learning. The teacher sometimes might also ask for comparison of the elements that are related to the lesson. This might be essential in tracking the understanding of the learners. This clearly shows that preconference is aimed at determining the activities that are going to take place in the course of discussion session.  Still this method involves much commitment of the teacher to know about the activities that are taking place in the classrooms. This shows that there is the need of the teacher to stay around the classroom in order to get accurate information. This happens as the teacher walks around the classroom while observing the activities taking place with minimal or no disruptions. There is then summary of the observations that have been achieved in the course of the grounds. This protocol is also easy to be used by the teacher to rate themselves concerning their effectiveness. It is also possible for a teacher to do self-observation. This can happen where the teacher takes one of the videos and observes their activities.


Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol

            This method has been in use in various levels of learning in Arizona State. The schools in the state have been using this method in learning and it has been very effective.  The guidelines of this protocol have been created in the website of the schools in Arizon State. This makes it easier for the people to apply them after they have gained enough knowledge concerning the same. They are no t complicate hence it is much easier for them to be applied in the schools. It had been produced in order to enable measurement of reformed teaching. It is essential in helping the learners in the learning institution to achieve their goals (Teasdale et al, 2017). It has also been a reliable method that has been facilitating the teachers to characterize the learning practices.  This protocol has been applied by the learners in scientific and mathematical studies in the high schools level as well as the middle ones. It has also been in practice in college and university learning practices. This method has been grounded to measure the level at which the learners are generating knowledge in an active form. This protocol is in the position of bringing out reliable results as far as learning is concerned.

3D Learning Observation Protocol

            This protocol is widely used by teachers to where they much engage the learners in to doing practical on their own. There is a feeling that the learners have the capability to understand the phenomena easily when they conduct the practical by their own. The teacher is not much interested by how well the learner does the procedure but to ensure that they get the concept in a clear manner (Du, 2015). Research has been showing that learning cannot be separated from science. Instead they should go hand in hand in order to bring better reliable results. For a learner to understand the knowledge content and be able to apply effectively there is the need to use disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts together. The three dimensions are applied together to enable the learner to understand the concept in a deeper manner.  These aspects are applied similarly in the learning institutions hence there is usually uniformity. This protocol involves development of a culture to be able to understand the problem of the phenomena or design. These dimensions have been in use by the scientists in order to come up with connections related to their own understanding. There has also been attempt of bioengineers to try making artificial limbs that has almost the same sense with the normal skin. They have been using these three dimensions to apply the concepts that are related to forces of electricity and in developing designs and new models. For a teacher to apply these three dimensions in learning. There is the need to identify the problems that interfere with good performance and be keen on the questions that are being asked by the learners. There is also the need of the teacher to ensure that the questions are relevant to the performance. -classroom-assessment-scoring-system-class

Classroom Assessment Scoring System

                        This has been an instrument which is very much developed to measure the rate of interaction between the teacher and the child in the learning set up. The schools in the city of Mexico have a website whereby there are the forms of assessment of the students. These forms are usually similar and are used to evaluate the performance of the learners. There has been the ability to grade the learners effectively as the guidelines in the forms are easy understand and apply at the same time.  It is applied from the young infants all through to the learners in high school. This protocol has been developed gin theories as well as research work suggesting that the interaction between the child and the teacher is a major determinant of learning and development (Allen et al, 2013). This has been perceived as the control measure of the grades achieved by the learners in middle as well as the secondary schools. This knowledge concerning the effects of the interaction of the teacher and the learner towards performance has been enabling proper organization of all activities that have been planned to be part of learning in the institution as well as enhancing proper arrangements of materials to be used. This had been contributing into establishment of training materials, manuals learning guides. This protocol has been adopted by Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida and New Mexico in their metrics. They have been relying on this method for the need of improving their program and for accountability purposes.


            Pre-observation conference is useful in the learning institutions as it enables the observers as well as the teachers to determine the activities that are going o take place in the course of learning. The observation is carried out for evaluation purposes. It is also an essential element for development as well as growth. The teacher handles the learners in a way that is attractive. It should also enable them to achieve attention and interest of the learners. Pre-observation enables the learning team to be more exposed to the practices of teaching of other people. Pre-observation enables the learning team to be more exposed to the practices of teaching of other people. It enables one to apply the acquired knowledge into their work. There is also another purpose of pre-observation in that it enables to draw a setting where conversations which are more structured takes place. These conversations are mainly directed to the goals of conference focuses on the activities that take place after the learning activities. Later, usual discussion follows. The other model base on an individual where the educator carries out observation and then goes ahead to prepare a sheet containing information about her feedback. This will enable the teacher to achieve knowledge related to their field of concern. It is therefore clear that pre-observation conference promotes proper documentation in the learning institutions. There are several protocols that are used in observation as discussed in the paper. These protocols have been useful in the learning institutions mostly to evaluate the teachers. They have also been applied to observe the activities that take place in the classrooms concerning both the teacher and the learners. All the protocols discussed above  are effective in learning activities as discussed in the paper.














Granger, E. M., Bevis, T. H., Saka, Y., Southerland, S. A., Sampson, V., & Tate, R. L. (2012). The efficacy of student-centered instruction in supporting science learning. Science, 338(6103), 105-108.  

Lasagabaster, D., & Sierra, J. M. (2011). Classroom observation: desirable conditions established by teachers. European Journal of Teacher Education, 34(4), 449-463.     

Walkington, C., Arora, P., Ihorn, S., Gordon, J., Walker, M., Abraham, L., & Marder, M. (2012).             Development of the UTeach observation protocol: A classroom observation instrument to             evaluate mathematics and science teachers from the UTeach preparation program.           Unpublished paper. Southern Methodist University.                content/.../ScienceClassroomObservationProtocol.pdf  


Smith, M. K., Jones, F. H., Gilbert, S. L., & Wieman, C. E. (2013). The Classroom Observation   Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS): a new instrument to characterize university         STEM classroom practices. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 12(4), 618-627.


Dercle, L., Connors, D. E., Tang, Y., Adam, S. J., Gönen, M., Hilden, P., ... & Zhao, B. (2018).   Vol-PACT: A Foundation for the NIH Public-Private Partnership That Supports Sharing          of Clinical Trial Data for the Development of Improved Imaging Biomarkers in          Oncology. JCO clinical cancer informatics, 2, 1-12.

Allen, J., Gregory, A., Mikami, A., Lun, J., Hamre, B., & Pianta, R. (2013). Observations of        effective teacher–student interactions in secondary school classrooms: Predicting student    achievement with the classroom assessment scoring system—secondary. School   Psychology Review, 42(1), 76.

Teasdale, R., Viskupic, K., Bartley, J. K., McConnell, D., Manduca, C., Bruckner, M., ... &          Iverson, E. (2017). A multidimensional assessment of reformed teaching practice in    geoscience classrooms. Geosphere, 13(2), 608-627. https://www.research  …/234723026-Using-The-Reformed-Teaching-Observation-Protocol

Du, L., Broto, J., & Greer, R. D. (2015). The effects of establishment of conditioned r       einforcement for observing responses for 3D stimuli on generalized visual match-to- sample in children with autism spectrum disorders. European Journal of Behavior      Analysis, 16(1), 82-98.

Harris, W. (2015). Changing the lens: mentors and their effect on novice teacher attitudes            towards student achievement (Doctoral dissertation, California State University,      Northridge www.bu,edu./.../generalized-observation-and-reflectiuon-protocol-gorp-tool-          pilot-2015

Shekhar, P., Demonbrun, M., Borrego, M., Finelli, C., Prince, M., Henderson, C., & Waters, C.   (2015). Development of an observation protocol to study undergraduate engineering          student resistance to active learning. International Journal of Engineering Education,   31(2), 597-609.


Marzano, R. J., Carbaugh, B., Rutherford, A., & Toth, M. D. (2014). Marzano center teacher        observation protocol for the 2014 Marzano teacher evaluation model. Learning Sciences          Marzano Center Teacher and Leader      Evaluatio            feb2010.pd...



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