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Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood


            Planned Parenthood is one of the trusted healthcare providers in the United States that mainly provides reproductive health services such as reproductive health care, sex education and also provision of information concerning reproductive health (Lawrence & Ness, 2017). It actually act as an advocator and also a global partner. This topic is therefore, relevant to the course because it deals with reproductive health which is part of the nursing services.

 Nurses are involved in the daily delivery of care to individuals with complications in their reproductive system. They are also involved in sharing of information and also provision of family planning services to different clients. This forms part of the activities or services which are offered by the nurses and thus makes it more relevant.

 The topic on the reproductive health affect almost all the individuals in the world. This is because it is part of the human life in terms of reproduction. The services which are offered in the facilities and numerous and they can be individualized depending on the client needs. This makes it patient-centered and thus the care or the services provided depends on what the client need.

 Planned Parenthood also provides services to client which is more affordable and can accommodate individuals with low income earning. This ensures that they get enough attention and care they need thus promoting good health to all the individuals (Brandhorst & Jennings, 2016). It is also for my interest because defunding it will result to suffering by the people from low income earning jobs and will not result to good health as it is the right of a person (Stevenson et al., 2016). Although reproductive health affect different kind of individual ranging from those from the lower social status to high social status, the effect will be felt significantly by the poor.

It is also of interest because the issue of defunding Planned Parenthood will greatly affect the high school students who are normally provided with sexual education by it. This will result to increases in the cases of teenage pregnancies and also might result to rise in the number of STDs transmission (Hillard, 2017). This is because, there will no longer be education on how to be safe and thus will increase the risk for exposure of infections for the client.

The individuals who will be greatly be affected are those coming from the low income groups due to the funding they receive from the federal government. They get the Medicaid reimbursements for Planned Parenthood doctors and the nurses who are involved in performing the preventive services HIV test, cancer screening and also birth control. Usually the Planned Parenthood uses their own many to pay for the services and then await to be paid back by the Medicaid (Rubin, 2018). In case this is defunded it will thus result to serious adverse effects to the low income earners.

However there are cases that claim that Planned Parenthood focus mainly on abortions more than other services and therefore it has decreased the number of adoption. The Planned Parenthood has performed millions of abortion (Ciccariello, 2017). The other reason for defunding is that women are thought to have other alternatives for services and thus it will lead to minimal effect.

Peer reviewed sources and also scholarly articles will be used to ensure that the necessary and good quality information is available for the research. Good planning is important to promote success of the work. Proper organization is taken into consideration, articulation of the topic and location of the background data (Brundage, 2017). It is also necessary to list the key words to facilitate the search in the search engines as well as considering the scope of the topic. The searches are done, information evaluated and analysis is done




Brandhorst, J. K., & Jennings, F. J. (2016). Fighting for funding: Values advocacy and Planned Parenthood’s right-to-life. Public Relations Review, 42(4), 723-733.

Brundage, A. (2017). Going to the sources: A guide to historical research and writing. John Wiley & Sons.

Ciccariello, C. (2017). Defunding Planned Parenthood—the stakes for America’s women. JAMA internal medicine, 177(3), 307-308.

Hillard, P. J. A. (2017). Adolescent Reproductive Health Without Planned Parenthood. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology, 30(4), 445-446.

Lawrence, H. C., & Ness, D. L. (2017). Planned Parenthood Provides Essential Services That Improve Women's Health. Annals of internal medicine, 166(6), 443-444.

Rubin, R. (2018). A Day in the Life: Planned Parenthood Physician Provides Reproductive Health Care to the Underserved. JAMA, 319(11), 1081-1083.

Stevenson, A. J., Flores-Vazquez, I. M., Allgeyer, R. L., Schenkkan, P., & Potter, J. E. (2016). Effect of removal of planned parenthood from the Texas Women’s Health Program. New England Journal of Medicine, 374(9), 853-860.


783 Words  2 Pages
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