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The two agencies that provide services to the elderly individuals include the Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc and Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens (AASC)

Service Description

The two agencies that provide services to the elderly individuals include the Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc and Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens (AASC)

Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc

The agency was organized in 1978 and normally provides public transport to the elderly persons.  The agency depends on the contribution from different volunteers regardless of their age.  The agency has a mission of preventing unnecessary and inappropriate institutionalization of older individuals through various ways. These include developing and maintaining of a comprehensive and use friendly care services over the long-term and which are user-friendly.  The user –friendly environment is based on the recognition that most of the care given to the elderly people is done using the support from family care givers (Mountain Empire Older Citizens, n.d). The firm acts as a responsibly and actively represent the issues affecting the older people.  It is therefore, committed to establishing and sustaining a transportation system that is specialized for all ages and targeting all clients and even patients. The program also committed to prevent any form of abuse to old population and even protecting their rights especially those living in harmful circumstances. The services provided by the agency include transportation, specialty care m primary care, Coverage of prescription drugs, Home Care Services, provision of meals and other healthcare services such as Speech Therapy.  The agency collaborates with other partners such as organizations, agencies and the community to accomplish its set out mission (Mountain Empire Older Citizens, n.d).  The contacts for the agency are: 800-252-6362; The Box numbers are: P.O. Box 888. E-mail – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens (AASC)

This is a private and non-profit organization that has been operation since 1975. Its mission has been to improve the elderly people’s life by way of education, charitable and social services and though other appropriate ways. It operations involves a multi-service day-care-center whose purpose is to offer care on daily basis. These services include social and personal support and supervision. Moreover, the agency operates a system for public transit whose funding comes from Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transit. Also, the agency runs ALLCARE for seniors, a PACE program focused on rural areas and offers inclusive care services to the older people (ASSC, n.d). A major value upheld in this organization is the need for promoting programs that that encourage and help the older person to remain within their community and homes the longest time possible. Their dignity is of paramount to the values of the organization. On that note, the programs involve delivery of meals for seniors who are based at home and also to the individuals providing personal care services such as dressing and bathing. The focus for the agency is primarily to provide assurance that such older people are respectfully treated and their dignity upheld. This is done through responding to their needs respectfully (ASSC, n.d).  Education programs are also important services provided.  The contact and address for the agency are:  267-964-4915, BOX 765.


ASSC,(n.d). Retrieved from:

Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc.,(n.d). Our mission. Retrieved from:



528 Words  1 Pages
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