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Discrimination claim

Formal complaint

Subject: discrimination claim

Dear sir/madam

I am writing this letter to forward my complaint that my landlord is terminating me because of my age. I have a tenancy agreement copy that contains the key things as a tenant I must adhere to. Before I entered this house, I read the tenancy agreement, I accepted the terms and condition, and I signed it. I have noticed  housing discrimination and  in particular age discrimination  since my landlord  is presenting  misleading information  and is using all efforts  to ensure that I have to leave.  She states that apart from being too old, I have undesirable character traits of which there is no evidence. As a tenant,   I know my rights and, I have the right to equal treatment.  I also understand that ‘The Federal Fair Housing Acts’ prohibits tenants’ discrimination because of age. The landlord does not have any age-neutral evidence or rather a legal basis that allows her to terminate. This situation has caused anxiety and stress and, I would like the law to put consideration on this matter. Therefore, I request the ‘Department of Housing and Urban Development’ to   review the Fair Housing Act and take legal measures. I look forward to  be in good terms with my landlord  and I believe that  the  information I have provided will be sufficient  in addressing  the case.

Yours sincerely
















228 Words  1 Pages
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