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Circle by Dave Eggers

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Short Assignment: “The Circle” 100 points 
Length: 2-3 pages. Typed, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Font, one inch margins.

After reading and participating in class discussions focusing on “The Circle” by Dave Eggers, respond to the film with the following connections. 
1. Text to Self: How does the novel, “The Circle” relate to your life? Explain.
2. Text to Text: Can you find some similarities between “The Circle” to another text you have read? Explain.
3. Text to World: Relate the novel to a social issue happening currently in the world. Explain.
4. Text to Media: Make the connection with “The Circle” to a recent media story you have read or watched in the news. Explain.

I will be looking for a thorough explanation on each of the four connections listed above. In order to receive a passing grade, work must be thoughtful, respond to the prompt, and conform to academic writing standards.

164 Words  1 Pages
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