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Provide a rationale on implementing the awareness of training among single mothers, and the impact which it would have in the navy war ships

Chapter 3 Summary

The main objective of this paper was to provide a rationale on implementing the awareness of training among single mothers, and the impact which it would have in the navy war ships. In addition, the paper focuses on the reasons as to why most women tend to opt to take care of their families, rather than on continuing with their work as military officers. In these research, it was consequently evident that most single mothers tend to put their family roles in the frontline, a move which affects their career, since they cannot serve the two masters at the same time (CHAPTER 3).

Implementing the awareness of training among single mothers allows them to understand the impact of serving under the navy as a woman (CHAPTER 3). This is a move which is aimed at enabling the women to be able to have an understanding of what it means to serve as a navy, when one is a single mother, and the sacrifices which one is required to make. The main aim of this implementation is to increase retention, thus reducing manpower shortages within the navy.

It is clearly evident that most single mothers tend to opt out of the navy, because of the burden which comes with being a single mother, as well as being a navy officer. The training awareness allows women to be able to understand the risks which comes with being a woman in the military (CHAPTER 3). This includes sexual harassment, which consequently results in single mothers within the navy. In order to deal with this issue, women need to understand how risky it might be to be a navy officer, thus reducing the loss of taxpayer’s money, due to reduced retention.


CHAPTER 3: Research Strategy and Data Collection



298 Words  1 Pages
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