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Programs that fight hunger in America

Programs that fight hunger in America


Hunger problem in America is a delicate situation and children are the most affect thereby the nation have developed various programs that aims at feeding the hungry. Several campaigns are held in the nation whereby; the federal government leads the movement to solve hunger issues. Feeding America is the leading program aimed in fighting hunger and, it is also involved in raising awareness of the matter all over the nation. Feeding America is the leading organization on educating individuals; of the effects of hunger on the national economy, especially on investment as well as communication (Blackstone & Herrmann, 2014).The organization engages the citizens in their campaign on raising awareness thus; making them part of the organization. The national office helps the Feeding America organization in producing educational as well as research papers which majors on hunger and rich in data concerning starvation, poverty as well as progress of various programs that serves vulnerable Americans. The programs main aim is to eradicate poverty because; it is one of the difficult that goes hand in hand with hunger (In Stein, 2015).

Mobile Food Pantries

The Mobile Food Pantry program directly serves individuals in the areas with higher need thereby; effort is encouraged on providing other hunger complements in order to relief agencies in that area. In Mobile Pantry, a vehicle load is involved in distributing packed boxes of meals to clients. The issue of these packages is done in style whereby; the expected party is given a chance to choose a pack of choice. Mobile Pantry program has enlarged the capacity of the Feeding America Organization Network thereby; it is easily able to distribute meals as well as removing barriers which prevent access to undeserved areas. The program easily allows flexibility of fast food delivery, rescued food as well as grocery (Blackstone & Herrmann, 2014).

Food pantry is a form of emergency source assistance whereby; the distributors ensures that supplement is considered in fixing income loss. The program is necessary because, it aids in providing nutritious food to infants, kids, seniors, veterans as well as the most affected families by hunger. Mobile Pantry ensures that the food issued is enough especially, that it can serve the individuals for at least three days. Food Pantry program is highly strengthened by the power of website whereby; the organization is able to receive support from different individuals (In Bales, In Locher & In Saltzman, 2014).It aim is at helping and feeding the hungry people not only in America but globally. The organization with the program is a global one working to end starvation issues across the universe thereby; it does so through empowering of individuals encouraging them on living lives of self-reliance. Not only does Mobile Food Pantry majors on distributing food to individuals that, it also ensures to meet individuals fundamental need as well as build better future for children. The organization works with the rural as well as low income populations to aid in teaching them strategies of overcoming underlying hunger issues (Blackstone & Herrmann, 2014).

 The food bank program serves at least over 300 communities and, it should involve kitchen soups, children day care centre as well as adult shelters. The organization with the program of food pantry faces difficulties, especially while locating the affected areas. On the other hand, the affected individuals does not easily located the pantry thus; because a harder task for the hungry. To ensure that every victim of hunger is served by the program, the Food for America program organizes a campaign as well as advocacy whereby; it is backed up by over one million individuals from all walks of life with the aim of fighting hungers as walks of life as well as extreme poverty (In Bales, In Locher & In Saltzman, 2014).

Mobile Food Pantry is an essential program for the nation because, it is a program relied on taking better action against hunger thus; the government easily commits itself in eliminating global hunger. The program aims at saving lives and especially the of the children who in this matter are the most affected. Food Pantry program is a program for all thereby; does not distribute it produce with discrimination but rather, serves as a helping hand for all races and gender (Blackstone & Herrmann, 2014).


School Pantry Program

School Pantry Program aims at feeding as well as well as, eradicate children hunger in America. The main steps of the program are by providing children and families in schools with meals.  The schools based are positioned on the school environment, in order to easily provide the service and access sources of food assistance to the low-income earners students as well as their families. School Pantry Program occurs at a consistence place especially in the school campus. The program sets distributions schedules plus offer ongoing food assistance services. The program consists of permanent set ups within schools whereby; it operates through the mobile distribution and rotations that brings meals into the school compound (Ippolito, Prendergast, Marshall, Waxman & Seligman, 2017).

School Pantry Program is enormous since it is aimed at serving over 20 million food to several children countrywide. It is a program with much concern on children because; even after the school is closed the needy kids still receive meals through the Summer Food Services Program. In America, research indicates that over 15million young children face hunger every day. However, hunger hurts every individual though is particularly devastate children.  It is obvious that children facing hunger are likely to perform poorly in school thereby; School Food Pantry ensures that the situation is dealt with in order to save the hungry kid’s education. The hunger problem is a serious situation on children as compared to adults because; they are easily capable of developing impairments as well as struggle with the social behavioral difficulties. The program care for children ensures that, it is able to feed them as well as their families in school (Watts, Witt & King, 2011).

 School Food Pantry curriculum performs under a planned schedule whereby; it is able to provide schools with meals at least once per month. Each family is given a bag of nutritious meals though; to be certain that the meal is good the organization offer cooking it to the people receiving it (Watts, Witt & King, 2011).

Senior Grocery Program

The program aims at individuals aged 65 and above, though in America they are the fastest growing population. The program is referred to as the senior since; these individuals are the elders and live on fixed incomes. Consequently due to the low income, the individuals are highly leads to lives of struggle with hunger and at the same time are under healthcare costs. The poor elder individuals are cared for because, with the little income they get there is still a need to strain more to support their kids and families (Nigam, 2015).

 Senior Grocery Program was generated in the year 2012, with a mission of meeting the need of elder people facing hunger and other basic needs. Unlike for the children care program, the senior grocery offers food to the target group for them to prepare at home. It is an essential program designed to increase the access of meals that, meets all healthy status required by the senior individuals. The Senior Grocery Programs depends on funds from various supporters, such as the federal government, well wishers as well as volunteers. According to the County Council President on the program, she is obliged at recognizing the volunteers for their helping hands (Nigam, 2015).

The program put an effort by encouraging the citizens on helping grocery shopping whereby; the organization collects money all free of charge. The program has operated for over five years whereby, many volunteers and well wishers have always been willing to help. The program is segmented whereby; each senior connector is allowed to as for its pantry fillers program in order to conduct satisfactory progression. The Senior Grocery Pantry is segmented to ease the process of fund collection thereby; each pantry is expected to come up with result on how and what effort it took. In some surveys clients always should be allowed to participate in the prediction for their volunteers. The program sets distributions schedules plus offer ongoing food assistance services. The program consists of permanent set ups within an open area whereby; it operates through the open distribution and rotations that brings meals closer to the senior group (Nigam, 2015).


Community Health and Nutrition Program

The Community Health and Wellness program is aimed probably, on those students interested on health education as well as health education. The graduates are highly prepared to promote healthy lifestyles as well as chances to enhance the better qualities of life for everyone in the society. Community Health program is also concerned with, those children interested in programs such as public health and anything to do with health. The programs strategies of fighting hunger are applied in nutrition’s as well as public health principals to design policies on the environmental health. The organization with the program goal is to improve and, maintain optimal health situations of citizens as well as the targeted groups (In Stein, 2015).

Community nutrition involves personal as well as inter-personal stages of interventions thus; generating changes in skills, altitude, behaviors and health results on the target individuals. The country has encouraged rapid improvement from the program, since it is highly subscribed to specific and unique health nutritional related interventions. The mission of Community Health Nutrition Program is to contribute different interventions and, recognize the improvement of individual’s living standards. The program in the idea of feeding the hungry understands that, only by learning of personal health status that the huger solution can be dealt with easily. Community health progress invests in the top line of health research thus; generating a report on quadrennial hunger on the citizens (In Stein, 2015).

Community based program under various situations, is able to provide crucial contact to the target group. It majors on improving the technology as well as the national assets though; it should consider behavior changes as well as various supporting practices. The program is aimed at volunteers and willing workers thus; aimed at interacting with households in order to protect their health and nutrition. The organization ensures that all individuals are facilitated to access of treatment plus sickness, especially women and children whom appears as the main victims of hunger (Kennedy & Deckelbaum, 2007).

Disaster Response

The Disaster Response program is aimed at supporting relief as well as recovery, where a natural disaster strikes. It is an important program on the community whereby; it aims on distributing a helping hand by feeding individuals. The Disaster Response Program became active in the year 1989 where it followed the Hurricanes, which destroyed the Southeastern America. Later there was a bizarre earthquake that caused strange damage in San Francisco thereby; the organization generated its program on the situation. The Feeding America Organization has participated highly, in providing to over 100 million individuals with emergency meals as well as disaster relief supplies to the affected victims (Wojcicki & Heyman, 2016).

Disaster Response

Schedule mobilizes corporate shareholders, as well as well wishers in communities to aid in provision of disaster relief. It also major on addressing individuals on the chronic meals security that the citizens are likely to face daily. The program is able to offer specialized training on the affected member, in order to progress positively with the operational procedures thus; ensuring that member’s food banks id generated. The Disaster Program makes sure that emergency food as well as health care is in position, before the disaster occurs. Through the program, Feeding America Organization ensures that is can afford all the necessities requested by victims as well as their families after the incident. The supply materials are always available whereby; they are stored in strategically designed place where they remain safe and fresh. The organization aims at succeeding in rescuing and offering helping hands to the victims of disasters thereby; it collects support from the government as well as volunteers and well wishers. It is the best of American voluntary organization that is highly able to deal with acute disaster thereby; recognized as a coalition of catastrophe relief association. The Tragedy Response program in the idea supporting victims, understands that only by learning of personal health status that the huger solution can be dealt with easily. The Disaster Program makes sure that emergency food as well as health care is in position, before the disaster occurs (Wojcicki & Heyman, 2016).

SNAP Outreach

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program aids in providing families with their fundamental nutritious needs.  It is the best program that aims at walking with individuals through the temporary tough times. The program ensures that people get back their feet, to the road thus bettering their lives. SNAP program is a critical condition that deals with hunger in America thereby; the organization is enabled in working extra harder to aid families in learning and applying for the program (Nigam, 2015).

For over 40 years SNAP program have been operating whereby; it has acted as the foundation of America’s citizen security net.  It has as well acted as the national leading line of resistance against famine thereby; presents a prevailing tool to develop healthy meals amongst the low-salary earners. In 2011 SNAP program provided its service to over 40million individuals. However, the government has been supporting this program by building substantial body evidences thus; ensuring people are able to realize the importance difference brought about by the program (Menza & Probart, 2013).

SNAP is a program that has been able to deal with children, suggesting that better meals for them indicate better grades. For the adults, the program means good performances on the work places or foundation for developing their skills at work. SNAP does not forget to consider the senior whereby; it aims at providing balanced diet for better health status. For individuals under regular low income jobs such as security services, they are able to easily receive the SNAP services.  Applying for SNAP services, benefits depend on the figure of populace in the provisions squash. However, the program is able to provide with more buying supremacy of the grocery store. The program reimbursement are not intended on covering all the family’s food cost but rather, boost the amount of income to support monthly spending. Recent research have indicated that the program cater for over 45% of the network target individuals thus; proves as an eligible program in fighting hunger (Nigam, 2015).



In conclusion, the commission dealing with hunger in America ensures that agreements made on fighting the problem are adhered to. Hunger organizations programs decide to deal with the situation under the available measure referred as low meals security.  The whole idea of feeding the hungry is an act of charity whereby; the aim is on feeding all victims of hunger through the country wide network. Feeding America network is one organization that feeds over 20 million individual, most of them being the low income earners and children included. Non-governmental organizations and volunteers have joined hand in fight for freedom from hunger, in order to bring sustainable solutions on the fight. The strategic developments have been implicated, with the aim of ending global hunger. However, the organizations seek at empowering the affected individuals, in seeking solutions to end poverty. Children being the main victims of hunger are placed into alleviating as well as programs to protect them as well as their future. The programs dedicated on dealing with hunger situations, enable organizations serve and feed affected communities in various ways (Menza & Probart, 2013).

Several prominent have tried their best in fighting hunger whereby; recently Former American President Barack Obama took an essential step and focused on the World food security. It was the fuel and finical crises, in the year 2008 that took the President’s attention on dealing with hunger strike. He began a mission on fighting poverty and hunger levels thereby; he also launched a global food security. The goal was that no child in the nation should face hunger therefore; the nation is encouraged on sharing strength among one another to support the less fortunate kids. Various supportive organizations in the fight are able to generate funds thus; serve the needy plus conduct research activities solving the trending causes of hunger. Feeding America is the leading organization on educating individuals; of the effects of hunger on the national economy, especially on investment as well as communication. The organization engages the citizens in their campaign on raising awareness thus; making them part of the organization (Menza & Probart, 2013).


Blackstone, S. R., & Herrmann,  L. K.  (2014). PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AMONG LOW-INCOME FOOD PANTRY PATRONS: IMPROVING THE ROLE OF A RURAL FOOD PANTRY. American Journal Of Health Studies, 29(3), 255-263.


In Bales, C. W., In Locher, J. L., & In Saltzman, E. (2014). Handbook of clinical nutrition and aging.


In Stein, N. (2015). Public health nutrition: Principles and practice in community and global health.


Ippolito, M. M., Lyles, C. R., Prendergast, K., Marshall, M. B., Waxman, E., & Seligman, H. K. (2017). Food insecurity and diabetes self-management among food pantry clients. Public Health Nutrition, 20(1), 183-189. doi:10.1017/S1368980016001786


Kennedy, E. T., & Deckelbaum, R. J. (2007). The nation's nutrition. Washington, DC: ILSI (International Life Sciences Institute.


Menza, V., & Probart, C. (2013). Eating well for good health: Lessons on nutrition and healthy diets. Rome: FAO.


Nigam, A. K. (2015). Statistical aspects of community health and nutrition. Place of publication not identified: Woodhead Pub India.


Senior Companion Program (U.S.), & Corporation for National Service (U.S.). (2010). Senior Companion Program. Washington, D.C.] (1201 New York Ave., M.W., Washington 20525: Corp. for National Service.


Watts, C. E., Witt, P. A., & King, T. (2011). Predictors of Outcomes for After-School Program Participants. Journal Of Park & Recreation Administration, 26(2), 134-145.


Wojcicki, J. M., & Heyman, M. B. (2016). Healthier Choices and Increased Participation in a Middle School Lunch Program: Effects of Nutrition Policy Changes in San Francisco. American Journal Of Public Health, 96(9), 1542-1547.







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